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咱们今晚出去吃饭吧。Let's eat aut tonight.

我们认为,平等管理是知识管理发展的必然。The aut hors believe equality management is a necessary development of knowledge management.

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就其成因来看,则主要是与作者所生活的文化背景和历史背景紧密相关。The underlying causes for all these lie in the cultural and historical background in which the aut.

浏览决策表并比较AUT中执行的验证选择Services to explore the decision tables and to compare alternatives with verifications performed on the AUT

国际刑法公约中关于引渡的共同性条款对“或引渡或起诉”原则起到补充性作用。The common clauses of the extradition in int'1 criminal conventions supply the aut dedere aut judicare principle.

在测试过程中当达到一个决策点时,测试人员会检查AUT的状态并决定测试活动。When a decision point is reached in the testing process, the tester examines the state of the AUT and determines a test action.

当AUT的行为发生变化时,每一个决策脚本提供的结果都会变化,因此通过AUT的测试路径就会变化。When the behavior of the AUT changes, the result provided by each decision script changes, and consequently the testing path across the AUT changes.

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文中对层次式网络性能监视系统的结构、实现技术及应用进行研究,并实现了一个原型系统。This paper studies the structure, implementation technology and application of hierarchic network performance monitor system, based on the study, the aut.

“或引渡或起诉”原则一般被理解为普遍性管辖权的实现方式,但是,该两者在适用范围上存在着交叉。Aut dedere aut judicare principle is generally regarded as an enforcement approach of the universal jurisdiction, but their scopes are in the cross-referencing relation.

“或引渡或起诉”原则历经数百年的发展,已经衍生出“刑事诉讼移管”、“先引渡后移管”等诸多制度设计。With the development of hundreds of years, transfer of sentenced persons, extradition or surrender upon return etc have been designed based on aut dedere aut judicare principle.

基于此,笔者从业主、承包商、监理工程师三个角度对建设工程施工合同索赔预防措施进行了综合研究。Therefore, the aut hor makes a comprehensive study of employer's, contractor's and supervision engineer's measures to prevent claims in construction contract for construction project.

本文就此提出讨论意见及建议措施,目的在于探索大一学生心理健康教育的途径。Then the aut hor offers his discussed views and constructive suggestions in the thesis in ord er to explore a way to psychology healthy education of the freshmen in colleges or institutes.

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当一个数据驱动表连接到测试套件时,我们就可以将输入的各种组合的数据记录列入到测试脚本和动态变化的AUT行为中。When a data-driven table is linked to the test suite, it is possible to specify several combinations of data records to input to the test scripts and to dynamically change the behavior of the AUT.