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爱因斯坦注意到这两者都有对上帝的人神同形论的概念。Einstein noted that both have an anthropomorphic concept of God.

我们过于从人的角度来看问题,我们无法透过猫的眼睛来看这个世界。We are so anthropomorphic we can't see the world through their eyes.

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这是关于把从前未听说过的国家拟人化的漫画!This is not on the past, the country heard of anthropomorphic cartoon!

这是关于把从前未听说过的国家拟人化的漫画!This is about the past, not heard of the National anthropomorphic cartoon!

唐老鸭是一个拟人化了的白鸭子,有着橙黄色的眼球,两条短腿和大脚。Donald is an anthropomorphic white duck with a yellow-orange bill, legs, and feet.

这部剧的特色是会用乐器的拟人化的蔬菜,但更离谱的是他们教孩子们有关于圣经的价值观和道德观。This show features strange looking anthropomorphic vegetables that play instruments.

有八个被刻的似人图,各种各样的手印和手概述等。There are eight engraved anthropomorphic figures, various handprints, and hand outlines.

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这部漫画记载了四个人性化的动物——猪,老鼠,斑马和山羊——的日常生活。It chronicles the daily lives of four anthropomorphic animals, Pig, Rat, Zebra, and Goat.

角腿,柔边和拟人给予她的光电缆中间人物。Angle legs, soft edges and cable in the middle of giving her light anthropomorphic characters.

另一套是人形机器宇航员,位于休斯顿的NASA的约翰逊太空中心在研制该系统。Another is the anthropomorphic Robonaut under study at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston.

针对具有末端位姿约束的仿人臂,给出一种实现障碍回避的新方法。A collision avoidance algorithm was developed for an anthropomorphic arm with tool-tip restrictions.

每过一段时间,Balcombe博士似乎就会有点把动物过于拟人化。Every once in a while, Dr. Balcombe seems to drift a little too close to anthropomorphic supposition.

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希腊神话中充满了拟人的生物,他们完美的让人难以企及。Greek mythology was filled with anthropomorphic creatures, perfect beings, that humankind tried to match.

安装在底架中间的单立柱是由两个可弯曲的仿人体关节组成。The signal upright column installed on the bottom bracket centre consists of two bendable anthropomorphic joints.

瓦哈拉在艺术上是要么被描绘成纯粹的动物,要么就是神、人同形同性,在人的身体个长着猪的头。Varaha is depicted in art as either purely animal or as being anthropomorphic , having a boar's head on a man's body.

像很多养狗业的人一样,Ruggles把她的动物的感知能力很大程度上类人化了。Like many people in the dog business, Ms. Ruggles takes a fairly anthropomorphic view of her animals’ cognitive abilities.

修辞向词汇渗透也使得大批新词产生,主要的修辞手段是比喻、借代、拟人等。Rhetorical approach also makes a large number of new words, the main rhetorical device is metaphor, metonymy, anthropomorphic.

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就像在他之前的德谟克利特和苏格拉底之前的哲学家一般,伊壁鸠鲁识到人类事务的概念而拒绝了拟人化的神的观念。Like Democritus and other Presocratics before him, Epicurus rejected the idea of anthropomorphic gods who were cognisant of human affairs.

但是,严格的说,这种活动迹象在和人比较相像的机器人前更为强烈,特别是在人形机器人前显现的最为强烈。Crucially, however, this activity was stronger the more human-like their opponent, being strongest for the anthropomorphic robot and human.

第三,古典型艺术采用拟人化的手法处理“神性的东西”,导致了古典艺术理想的解体。Third, classical art adopts anthropomorphic means to deal with "the Divine", then leading to the disintegration of classical artistic ideal.