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母鸡咯咯叫。Hens cluck.

他很英俊,却是个笨蛋。He is handsome, but a dumb cluck.

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捐一笔钱便能让这只猫像鸡那样的咯咯叫。A donation makes the cat cluck like a chicken.

任何无言的愚笨的人可以继续再黑暗死亡中忍耐。Any dumb cluck can remain in the darkness and die.

我们赶时间,只能吃一道快速的火腿蛋。We're in a hurry so we Can only have a quick cluck and grunt.

随着一些艰苦的工作和一个小咕,你才可能挽救农场。With some hard work and a little cluck , you just might save the farm.

甚至和我有着相同文化背景的人都会咯咯笑着说我讲会过的很好。Even the people in my culture would cluck and say that I would do well in life.

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克拉克夫人躺在床上一动不动,一时间我都纳闷她是否还活着。Madame Cluck lies down on the bed motionless , time I all wonder she is living whether also.

如果激怒或害怕的,雌性的龙猫可能高声咕叫并用尿液喷射。If irritated or frightened, the female chinchillas may cluck loudly and spray urine at the offender.

“盖伯,你这个淘气的东西,”莉莉说,对著在地板上摇摇晃晃张嘴笑著的婴儿咯咯斥责著。"Gabe, you naughty thing, " Lily said, with a scolding little cluck toward the grinning toddler on the floor.

第二天,一到学校,小动物们就争先恐后地告诉了咕咕嗒老师,波波熊是怎么从野老鼠手里救了他们。The next day at school the animals couldn't wait to tell Miss Cluck how Boris had saved them from the nasty rat pack.

没想到,不到一分钟茶壶就“咕咕”地冒起热气来,壶内的水加热到沸腾了!Cannot think of, be less than a minute of kettle " cluck clucks " the ground risks a steam to come, the water inside crock heated to boil!