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我选择小轮车比赛,不可思议的是它居然成为了奥运会比赛项目。I'm adopting the BMX event because it's farcical that it is in the Olympics.

大山用相声的形式讲述师傅姜昆在学英语的笑话。Dashan tells the story of his mentor Jiang Kun's farcical attempt at learning English.

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其中有些是讽刺诗,有些是滑稽剧,还有一些是给报纸的信件。Some of these were satirical verses, some farcical plays, others letters to newspapers.

莎士比亚剧中的这些令人捧腹的情节不正是一个精明的制片人所趋之若鹜的吗!Shakespeare's farcical twists and turns aren't anything a clever producer couldn't think of.

而且,有的评论家还觉得歌曲没有很恰当的融入到闹剧当中。In addition, some critics felt the songs were not properly integrated into the farcical action.

客厅里一帮人在装模作样地跳集体舞,我觉得很好笑。In the living room, there were a band of people dancing in group affectedly , which was very farcical.

科诨的真正方针在于经过乏味古板使人发笑,自满肉体上的愉悦和快感。Hun by the real purpose is to laugh through the farcical tradition of people to meet the spirit of joy and pleasure.

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命运性悲剧内涵与滑稽性喜剧方式的巧妙结合,是荒诞最显著的本质特征。Its most remarkable characteristic is subtle combination of fate-tragedy connotation and farcical comedy expression.

欧洲的主权债务危机发展缓慢,投资者的注意力被美国债务上限谈判的闹剧所打断。The farcical debate on the debt ceiling temporarily distracted traders from the slow-motion sovereign debt crisis in Europe.

在英格兰呆的整段时期中,我被卷入到一出滑稽剧里面,而我必须从头到尾把它演完。During the whole period of my stay in England I was mixed up in a farcical comedy which I had to play out from start to finish.

时至今日,有著滑稽情节、丰富肢体幽默和仍圆满婚姻关系的「我爱露西」,有时会被当作旧作而被遗忘。Today I Love Lucy, with its farcical plots, broad physical humor and unliberated picture of marriage, is sometimes dismissed as a relic.

接下来的情节就一直在叙述内特如何设计各种各样的骗局、小伎俩和滑稽的恶作剧,努力实现他最终浪漫的梦想。Through the rest of the movie, Nate devises various deceptions, tricks and farcical shenanigans before he realizes his ultimate romantic destiny.

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接下来的情节就一直在叙述内特如何设计各种各样的骗局、小伎俩和滑稽的恶作剧,努力实现他最终浪漫的梦想。Through the rest of the movie, Nate devises various deceptions , tricks and farcical shenanigans before he realizes his ultimate romantic destiny.

这些不同只存在于与想象中,而非现实,就如对前石油大亨也是普金竞争对手米哈伊尔•霍多尔科夫斯基的第二次审判所证明的那样,这场滑稽剧般的审判秀就在梅德韦杰夫的注视下进行。These are more notional than real, as the farcical second show trial of Mikhail Khodorkovsky, a former oil boss and a Putin rival, which is taking place on Mr Medvedev's watch, demonstrates.

那些都是虚幻而非真实的,可别像前石油大亨——普京的对手霍多尔科夫斯基接受第二次审判时演出的那场闹剧一样,这场闹剧就发生在小梅的眼皮底下。These are more notional than real, as the farcical second show trial of Mikhail Khodorkovsky, a former oil boss and a Putin rival, which is taking place on Mr Medvedev’s watch, demonstrates.

曾经一段,娃哈哈拒绝允许达能高层进入合资公司的办公大楼,包括总部,上演了企业战的一场闹剧。For a time, it seemed, Wahaha officials refused to allow Danone executives into the buildings of the joint venture, including the headquarters, creating a farcical atmosphere to the corporate fight.