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我们很难想像出有任何东西,会比原罪的全体告解,更加伤风败俗。It would be difficult to imagine anything more unsavoury than a wholesale confession of sin.

物淡而无盐岂可吃吗,蛋青有什么滋味呢。Can that which is unsavoury be eaten without salt? or is there any taste in the white of an egg?

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尽管它们的饮食习惯令人讨厌,但是它们是有献身精神的父母,会守卫自己的卵和蝌蚪,使其免遭捕食。Despite their unsavoury dining habits they are devoted parents and will guard spawn and tadpoles from predators.

在西方,中国的不乾涉政策有时被视为中国政府支持不受欢迎政权的藉口。In the west, the non-interference policy is seen at times as an excuse for Beijing to support unsavoury regimes.

他分析道,党的统治依赖于经济发展,而经济发展反过来依赖于那些名声不佳的国家所提供的资源。Party rule, the argument runs, depends on economic growth, which in turn depends on resources supplied by unsavoury countries.

债券持有人似乎闻到了UAW和奥巴马之间令人讨厌的交易,而奥巴马在去年的竞选中曾获得UAW的协助。Bondholders smell an unsavoury deal cooked up between the UAW and Barack Obama, who had the union's support in last year’s election.

比如,当着对方的面放屁、挖鼻子,或不刮腋毛。These can include unsavoury bodily functions such as breaking windin front of an other half, nose picking or letting armpits go unshaven.

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塔利班在国家大部分地区土崩瓦解之后,令人厌恶的军阀掌控了各地,常常参与猖獗的鸦片贸易。After the Taliban's collapse large parts of the country came under the control of unsavoury warlords , often linchpins of the booming opium trade.

不会讲瑞典语的人对海盗湾带给他们的好处几乎总是念念不忘,而带来这些好处的人却由于性质上的错误被推上了被告席。People who don't speak Swedish are missing almost all the interest of the Pirate Bay trial, which is supplied by the frankly unsavoury nature of the defendants.

就拿埃及事件来说,媒体报道说燕姿在埃及遭不良人士勒索,用枪指等等。Take that incident in Egypt in February this year when it was reported that some unsavoury characters threatened and extorted money from her for four days — at gunpoint, no less.

霍珀继续画画,拍照,收藏艺术品,并把它们放在他的艺术仓“弗兰克盖瑞”,钢铁混合物职称,位于洛杉矶一处声名狼藉的地方。Hopper continued to paint, take photographs and collect art which he kept in his Frank Gehry-designed "art barn", a hi-tech steel compound located in an unsavoury part of Los Angeles.