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那一个是花栗鼠爸爸?Which one's the daddy chipmunk?

那一个是花栗鼠爸爸?Now which one's the daddy chipmunk?

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那你知道一只加拿大花栗鼠长什么样儿的吗?Well, you know what a canadian chipmunk looks like?

一次,我带了只腹部受伤的花栗鼠去找她。Once I brought her a chipmunk with a wound on its stomach.

对我来说是最坏的选择,对花栗鼠来说是最好的结果。And the worst option for me was the best thing for the chipmunk.

你能帮这只花栗鼠找到橡子吗?THIS little chipmunk is hungry. Can you help him get to his acorns?

金花鼠将种子堆满了过冬的洞穴,松鼠将胡桃树的果实收藏了起来。The chipmunk lines his winter bedroom, and squirrels hid the nut trees' bounty.

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男孩一动不动站着,好像一只老鼠或花栗鼠知道有人在盯着它一样。The boy stood motionless, like a mouse or a chipmunk when it knows you're watching.

花栗鼠愚蠢的小脑袋里却有天生的对于毒药的恐惧。She has put into the small, unwise head of the chipmunk the untutored fear of poisons.

黄鼠狼群也随着金花鼠数目的增加增长了。The weasel population also increased, following the growth of the chipmunk population.

现在我不知道花栗鼠会不会到噩梦里找我,但是我想不会。Now I wonder if the chipmunk is going to visit me in a nightmare, but I don't think it will.

脸颊鼓鼓像花栗鼠的路易·阿姆斯壮就是大乐团时代最有名的团长之一。Chipmunk -cheeked Louis Armstrong was one of the most famous band leaders of the big-band era.

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这些画像是印在公司非常可爱的花栗鼠标志上。The picture featured a cartoon rendering of the fan's face on top of the company's logo of a cute chipmunk.

这些画像是印在公司非常可爱的花栗鼠标志上。The picture featured a cartoon rendering of the fan’s face on top of the company’s logo of a cute chipmunk.

那里有一阵快乐而活泼的声响,然后一只有条纹的小花栗鼠在灯光中现身,并问他可感到好一些?There was a chirpy noise, and a small striped Chipmunk appeared with a night light, and hoped he felt better?

当一只松鼠,兔子或花栗鼠冻结时,它可以一次保持完全静止不动达数分钟之久。When a squirrel or a rabbit or a chipmunk freezes, it can remain almost entirely motionless for minutes at a time.

尽管我想尽最大努力尊重一切生命,让所有的生命都能活下去,内心却深知唯一可行的办法就是结束花栗鼠的生命。And while I try my hardest to respect all life and let living creatures be, I knew in my heart that the only thing to do was to kill the chipmunk.

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今天我七年来的男朋友把我甩了,原因是我的脸胖得超出了他的品味,他不想跟一只金花鼠在一起。Today, my boyfriend of seven years dumped me because he said my cheeks getting way too fat for his taste and he didn't want to be with a chipmunk.

回头看以前的摸样的确很好笑,那是我留着浓密长发,脸上有雀斑,还在换牙,这看起来的确不怎么好看。It's funny, looking back, how different we all were. I had the bushy hair, chipmunk face, and big teeth going on, which wasn't a great look for me.

一个50克重的可爱的,小巧的,毛茸茸的金花鼠,还有一个讨人喜欢的卷毛大尾巴,捧着一个婴儿奶瓶在喝水,这个想法恐怕足够的温暖一个最冰冷的心。The idea of a 50 gram cute, tiny and fluffy chipmunk with its adorable curly tail drinking from a baby bottle is enough to warm even the coldest hearts.