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员工意见箱。Staff suggestion box.

他们都是全职工作。All are full-time staff.

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我与工作人员进行了交谈。I have talked with staff.

我同情治疗团队。I sympathize with the staff.

国旗半降,随风飘动。Flags fluttered at half staff.

他在总参谋部工作。He works at the General Staff.

对其他同事说说笑笑的。Say josh laugh to other staff.

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询问员工与孩子的比例。Ask about staff to child ratio.

记住,今天全体职员要开会的。Big staff meeting today, kiddo.

一人拿着一根又长又硬的木杖。Each holds a long, solid staff.

美国馆工作人员准备工作。USAP Staff get ready for event.

嗨。我给你带来了你的法杖。Hello. I brought you your staff.

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这东西我都吃腻了。I 'm tired of eating that staff.

我把你介绍给全体员工,好么?May I introduce you to the staff?

总参谋部是现代军事的产物。Staff is the child of modern war.

油费、保险、硬件设施、员工工资!Fuel, insurance, equipment, staff?

1907年的哈雷.戴维森公司员工留影。The Harley-Davidson staff in 1907.

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管理175名下属销售人员。Managed regional sales staff of 175.

大卫用一根棒子戳那匹吗。David stabbed the horse with a staff.

成为村里工作人员的流行语。Into the village of staff Catchwords.