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他唱最高声部。He sings treble.

你们的三冠王哪里去了?Where's your treble gone?

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他挣的钱是我的三倍。He earns treble my salary.

一个音符是高音谱号。One NOTE is a treble clef.

我把音调调得太高了,低音还调得不够。I've got too much treble and not enough bass.

哪位曾经的三冠王功臣今天过生日?Which former treble winner celebrates his birthday today?

特别设计的高音保护装置,令高音单元能承受更大的功率。Protect ion for treble design, high horn can support bigger power.

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高、中、低音太多或太少,都不会发生音误。Errors are heard as too much or too little bass, midrange, or treble.

这场比赛同时也扼杀了当时已经锁定联赛冠军的利物浦三冠王之梦。it also ended league champions Liverpool's hopes of winning the treble.

最难忘的一年是1999年,那年他帮助曼联成就三冠王伟业。One of his most memorable years was in 1999, when he helped United win the Treble.

对于高音出手,一个在角落里有三发子弹枪小覆盖。For the treble shot, a small overlay of the gun in the corner with a three bullets.

有时候我能收获三倍的水果,而且水果质量更高。Sometimes I’ve had treble the amount of fruit and the quality of fruit is better too.

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还有高音手钩、滑针、半双钩针、和其他的变化。There is also treble crochet, slip stitch, half-double crochet, and other variations.

上赛季流浪者队成为了三冠王,作为他们当时的一员,有什么特别的感觉么?You were part of the Rangers side that did the treble last season. How special was that?

我现在已经非常适应了,高音高些也不会影响我欣赏音乐。I can't say that the HJE's treble distracts me from enjoying any kind of music in any way.

如果阿森纳赢了欧冠,那就会提三冠王,或者是三夺欧冠。If Arsenal win the Champions League it will be about the treble or winning in three times.

富勒姆前锋尼维兰希望前东家曼联可以在本赛季重现三冠王伟业。Fulham striker Erik Nevland hopes former club Manchester United win the Treble this season.

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国家卫生事业局捐赠者登记簿上的人数需要增加三倍才能满足不断增长的移植需求。The number of people on the NHS donor register needed to treble to meet the growing demand.

弗格森和他的球队拒绝对任何程度上重演三冠王的可能性进行评论。Ferguson and his team have refused to discuss the possibility of another treble in any depth.

到高音部的末端,穿刺的数目将可以逐渐减少。It is obvious that the number of stabs is going to decrease as one approaches the treble end.