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单击这里以查看该动画。Click to see this animation.

这个例子没有使用动画。This example doesn't use animation.

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或者仅仅做成一个动画?Or simply dropped into an animation?

你最喜欢的动画公司是哪个?What's your favorite animation then?

没有索具或动画是必需的。No Rigging or Animation are required.

没有动画或蒙皮被导入。No animation or skinning is imported.

我学的是动画的视觉发展。I do visual development for animation.

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这一厢动画企业求才若渴。This car animation companies to admire.

这正是这个奖章的活力所在。That is the animation of this medallion.

点此处观看这一发现的动画。Watch an animation of the discovery here.

在学院里,我辅修了一门叫做二维动画的课。I took a side subject called 2-D animation.

这个男孩把他的角度演活了。The boy acted his part with great animation.

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但早期也有不寻常的活跃迹象。But there are early signs of unusual animation.

可以输出几何体,灯光,摄影机及动画。Exports geometry, lights, camera and animation.

拉塞特同时兼任了皮克斯和迪斯尼的动画监制。He oversees animation at both Pixar and Disney.

我给你的都是无着无落的生活。I have given you a life of suspended animation.

宁可说它持续昏迷。Rather, it's in a state of suspended animation.

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动画处理包含基于时间的帧的图像。Displays a multiple-frame image as an animation.

我以一次这部电影是在安纳西电影节上。I first saw it at the Annecy animation festival.

为残肢增加的新双重攻击动画。Added a new double-attack animation for Mutilate.