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补贴同样有致命的影响。Subsidies also have a pernicious effect.

工作可能是最有害的拖延形式之一。Work can be one of the most pernicious forms of procrastination.

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中国的侵略性很强,是个毫无道德观念的恶性经济竞争者。China is a very aggressive and pernicious economic competitor with no morals.

那么,同学们,我们写作时为什么应该避免这种恶习呢?And why, class, should we avoid this pernicious habit when we write our papers?

总而言之,冬天是坟墓,春天是谎言,夏天则是险恶的海市蜃楼。In short, winter is a tomb, spring is a lie, and summer is a pernicious mirage.

在政治中,最有害的谎言是媒体是一个民主化的力量。The most pernicious lie in politics is that the press is a democratising force.

越来越腐败的政府必然对一个发展中国家是致命的。More and more corrupter government is exactly pernicious for a developing country.

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为了减少对我们的眼睛有流毒,是许多技术培训的眼睛。To reduce pernicious influence on our eyes there are many techniques of eye training.

这,才是对于联邦政府国债真正后果严重的“挤出效应”。This is the real pernicious 'crowding out effect' of the federal government's borrowing.

如果选举仍然继续,各个州至少可以和这些有害现象作斗争。If elections are to remain, states can at least try to fight their most pernicious effects.

先是可恶的媒体吹风,说是公务员贪婪成性,导致公务开支疯涨。First there were the pernicious media briefings about insane expenditure by greedy civil servants.

恶性贫血,有巨卵形红细胞、多叶核嗜中性粒细胞。This hypersegmented neutrophil is present along with macro-ovalocytes in a case of pernicious anemia.

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一旦这个现象发生,将会产生恶性的负债水平,并蔓延到整个经济体。When this phenomenon occurs, it produces a pernicious level of debt to pervade throughout the economy.

其中,跨站脚本攻击是一种最为广泛,也最具有威胁的攻击方式之一。Among them, the cross-site scripting attack is one of the most prevalent and pernicious security issues.

目前的危险是,这些忧虑相互推动、互为因果,极有可能对2008-09经济活力造成致命性的颠覆。The danger is that these fears reinforce each other in a pernicious reversal of the dynamics of 2008-09.

反倾销制度是建立在倾销有害论的理论之上的,而倾销有害论正日益受到人们的质疑。Now the dumping pernicious theory which the anti dumping system is built on is challenged by many scholars.

规划者正在用这些岩石研究月亮土对机器和宇航员健康的有害影响。Planners are using the rocks to study the pernicious effects of regolith on machinery and astronaut health.

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每个为了对公共生活建立更绝对控制的措施,对私人生活都同样地有害。Every measure taken to establish more complete control over the former has a pernicious effect on the latter.

新法规反映出社会日渐关注网络给中国青少年带来的恶劣影响。The new regulations reflect increased concern over the pernicious effects of computer games on Chinese youth.

对普通大众的剥削形成了统治阶层有害的特权。It is the exploitation of the ordinary people which has become the pernicious prerogative of the ruling elite.