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我是来自香港的张小柑。My name is Gam come from hong kong.

可口可乐是一家基于美国的全球帐户管理公司。Coke is a GAM account based out of the US.

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零售商可以销售GAM上的产品或者服务。Vendors can sell products or services on GAM.

爵士平均每场106分,但是今天他们只拿到69分!The Jazz avg 106 pts a gam and they scored 69 !

供应商需要在GAM上创建一个manifest文件。The provider then needs to create a manifest file that is published on GAM.

GAM分子具有一个588个核苷酸的开放读框,编码196个氨基酸。GAM cDNA showed an open reading frame of 588 nucleotides coding for an 196 amino acids protein.

提出了一种名为GAM的基于GPGPU的多目的混音算法。GPGPU accelerated audio mixing algorithm for multi-party collaboration namely GAM is introduced.

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将虚拟现实技术应用在踝关节康复中,可以实现游戏与治疗、心理引导与生理治疗的结合。Using the technical of virtual reality in ankle rehabilitation not only realizes the links of gam.

GLM与GAM对于深入研究单个植物种与环境间的关系具有优势。GLM and GAM have advantages in probing deeply into the relationship between plant species and environment.

首席律师兰雅甘住在缅甸前首都仰光,现将在克钦邦为克钦邦民主统一党工作。Top lawyer Lamya Gam lives in Rangoon the former capital of Burma and now will work for KSUDP in Kachin State.

用GAM和THERMOS程序分别产生堆芯、反射层、含硼碳砖及控制棒组成材料的超热群和热群截面。GAM and THERMOS cods are used in the usual way to produce cross sections of core, reflector, and materials used in control rods, etc.

广义累进模型的预测效能比传统代數公式好,可以是一种预测正常人全身细胞内水量的方法。GAM outperformed conventionally algebraic equations and could serve as an excellent method for ICW volume prediction in healthy subjects.

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与自由亚齐运动住房放大器已准备安装和使用在第一区,并能连接几个光学或热灌装高度显示器。The housing GAM with amplifiers is ready for mounting and use within zone 1 and serve to connect several optical or thermal fill level monitors.

一直以来,秧歌作为我国民间“庙会”、“社火”中的歌舞戏沿承了正统的仪式性,同时又具有节庆狂欢化的反仪式特征。All along, Yangge as an singing and dancing drama of civilian"temple fair", "gam"evolutes traditional ceremony, and takes on anti-ceremony characteristic of festival bashing.

GAM也在临时营区加强军事训练,其高级干部有些是在利比亚受训,有些则是过去的印尼土兵,他们就在此处操练年青村民的作战能力。GAM is also stepping up military training in makeshift camps where its senior cadres─some trained in Libya, others former Indonesian soldiers─put village youth through their paces.