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分割车刀架。Parting tool holder.

直车刀架。Straight tool holder.

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使用一个文件架。Use a document holder.

我的手顿成了捕光器。My arm as light holder.

隐藏式筒夹组合。Built-in collet holder set.

水方瓶的持有人。Water bottle holder on side.

这是厨房用纸巾架吗?。Is this a paper towel holder?

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筒管支架不合适。Improper arms of bobbin holder.

爱墙上的猫咪粘钩。Love the kitty wall holder thingy.

只有一个中空的灯的支持物留下来。Only a hollow lamp holder was left.

数控铣床上的多刀架。Multi-tool holder within a CNC mill.

数控铣床上的单刀架。Single-tool holder within a CNC mill.

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独特的自带饮水杯架功能。Unique drinking cup holder by itself.

创建新的可修改状态容器。Creates a new modifiable state holder.

请注明是否需要夹持器。Please regard that a holder is required.

持卡者不能擅自转借、让、换会员卡。The holder does not lend or attorn card.

伞的支撑架覆盖层的缺口。Chipped off coating on holder of umbrella.

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配备有多刀架的数控铣床。CNC mill equipped with a multi-tool holder.

配备有单刀夹持器的数控铣床。CNC mill equipped with a single-tool holder.

槽筒与筒子支架设置不正确。Cone holder incorrectly set to winding drum.