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我喜欢邦·乔维的歌。I love Bon Jovi's songs.

我朱莉娅儿童。胃口好。I'm Julia Child. Bon appetit.

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祝您一路顺风!有一趟很好的飞行。Bon voyage! Have a good flight.

这汤就做好了——祝您好胃口。The soup is ready – bon appetite!

然后煮熟,享受美味吧。祝你好胃口!Then boil and enjoy. Bon appetit!

他说“祝你有个好胃口”后便开始吃饭。He said bon appétit and began to eat.

希望大家回国一路顺风,旅途愉快!Hope you have a safe journey home. Bon voyage.

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从研究文档里,我们挖出了点好料,一起来看看把。Here's a little bon mot, from theresearch files.

我看过邦乔维在香港的演唱会。I saw Bon Jovi live, when he played in Hong Kong.

最后这道菜出炉,准备好给你的家人带来惊奇哦!祝你们好胃口!The dish is ready to scare your family! Bon appetit!

再见,希望你们再到中国来。一路平安!Goodbye. I hope you'll come to China again. Bon voyage!

这一周我们的节目,我们打从苯教艾弗新的音乐。This week on our show, we play new music from Bon Iver.

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“这是一个非常困难的一课,”邦乔维说。It was a very difficult lesson to teach, " Bon Jovi said."

他经常以恰到好处的珠玑妙语使满桌的人哄堂大笑。He often sets the table a-roaring with a well-placed bon mot.

传世唐卡大都是藏传佛教和苯教作品。Thangka handed down mostly works of Tibetan Buddhism and Bon.

本。阿格尔是“生态学马克思主义”的典型代表人物。Bon. Agger is typical representative character of "Eco-Marxism".

这张DVD深入研究了在男子创建邦乔维传奇。This DVD delves into the legend of the men that created Bon Jovi.

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你以为你认识邦乔维,但在你打开这本书之前你并未真正了解他。You think you know Bon Jovi , but you don't until you open this book.

再见吧亲爱的故乡,胜利的星会照耀着我们。Seeyou dear homeland, The victorious star will shine us and bon voyage.

该邦盖在曼谷市中心的社区是在战斗的中心。The Bon Gai community in central Bangkok was at the center of fighting.