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他是个贼头贼脑的家伙。He is a shifty fellow.

他看起来是个鬼头鬼脑的下流社会的角色。He looked like a shifty underworld character.

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不过游荡着的工人来管理这个一点都没问题。But it's no problem for shifty workers to manage this.

似乎狡诈的面相独立于这些因素。Shifty physiognomy, it seems, is independent of these things.

那个人十分可疑,瞪着贼眼左顾右盼的。That guy is very suspicious, his shifty eyes move constantly.

这些车站医护中心的候诊室特别不规矩。These drop-in centres have particularly shifty waiting rooms.

这是一个错误的决定,摇摆不定的人在电视上可不怎么上镜。It was a mistake. The camera is unkind to men who look shifty.

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他真是个狡诈的辩论家,总是拒绝给出直截了当的回答。What a shifty arguer he is, refusing ever to give a straight answer.

那个女孩穿著总是很花哨。我敢说她有点行为不检。That girl dresses so sharp all the time. I bet she is doing something shifty.

武尔普特人达德是一个不择手段的马屁精,为同样心怀鬼胎的塞布巴效力。Dud, a Vulptereen, is an unscrupulous toady, working for the equally shifty Sebulba.

第一章主要介绍了行政诉讼法学方法论转变的必要性。The first chapter introduces shifty necessity of the administrative procedure legal methodology.

如果再加上一个组建不久的家庭,那么找时间去享受大学生活就变得确实非常困难了。Throw a young household into the mix as well and it becomes really shifty to find time to enjoy college.

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在美国,一个人如果不愿意与他人保持目光接触,就会被称为是卑鄙的并可能被引起怀疑。In America, one who is reluctant to maintain eye contact is called shifty -eyed and can arouse suspicion.

正是从这个心怀鬼胎的夸伦人口中,他们得知强大的贾巴死了,加根自由了。It was from the shifty Quarren that they learned that the mighty Jabba was dead and that Gargan was free.

因为那副眼镜和你的脸根本就不合适,你有一张长脸和可是那副眼镜会把你改变了。It's because those glasses don't look right on your face, you have a long face and those glasses make you look shifty.

在酒吧的众多女子之中,诺拉唯独挑上了杰瑞特,两人渡过了翻云覆雨的周末。In the bar numerous females, Norah selected outstanding Ruite only, two people have crossed the weekend which was shifty.

奇正战术的变化,宛如循环那样变化多端,谁能使它穷尽呢?The changes of the strategy of sudden attack and regular attack can be variegated so shifty. Who can putt an end to them?

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不过,早期不稳定理论仍然还有一些未解决的问题,譬如具有善变染色体的细胞如何胜过其具有稳定染色体的对手?The early instability theory still has some loose ends, however. How can cells with shifty chromosomes outcompete their stable counterparts?

正是后者导致他爱上了一个不该爱的女人——这个心怀鬼胎的变形人在一场香料矿阴谋中把他推向前台。It was the latter attribute that caused him to fall for the wrong woman, a shifty changeling who conned him into fronting a spice-mining scheme.

过去他们在华尔街翻云覆雨,但如今纵使有再多的金钱和律师,也无法让自己幸免于难。They were in wall street in the past shifty , but even if has again much money and lawyer nowadays, also cannot let him escape by the skin of one's teeth.