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请孙佳同学介绍升旗手事迹。Now Sun Jia will introduce flag raiser to us.

本周升旗手是同学,现在请他出场。This week's flag raiser is . Let's welcome come him to the stage.

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慈善组织经常通过举办礼品包装服务来筹集资金。Charitable organizations often run gift-wrapping services as a fund raiser.

通常,狗的小狗鹰出席并会见了新的主人。Often, the dog's puppy raiser attends and meets with the new master as well.

本周升旗手是费晓舒同学,下面请他与大家见面。This flag raiser in this week is Fei Xiaoshu. Please welcome him to the stage.

这个仪式很神圣,我希望自己也能够成为一名小小升旗手。This ceremony is glorious. I hope I can be a flag raiser some day in the future.

晚上,养鸭人便搭起一个竹帐篷当自己家了。When night fell, the duckling raiser would make his home in a tent-like bamboo shed.

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希拉蕊担任海啸救济基金的筹措者,在2005年2月时参访加拿大安大略省的基奇纳。Visited Kitchener Ontario Canada in February 2005 to perform in a Tsunami relief fund raiser.

加注者很愿意表现出他们有K,但是比他们在A高牌时要少一些。Raiser is going to rep the K a lot, but have it less often than he has the A on the A-high flop.

今天的主升旗手是来自九班的李子昂同学。他是一个活泼、乐观而又阳光的男孩。Today, the main flag raiser is Li Zi'ang from Class 9. He is a lively, optimistic and sunshine boy.

能担任本次的光荣升旗手我感到十分光荣,我会将此作为一个新的起点,再接再厉,取得更大的进步。I feel proud to be a national flag raiser. This is a new start for me. I will go on to study hard. Thank you!

作为一个“诚实”的人下注的概率应该是多少呢,可以去诈唬,但是不能太频繁。How often should an "honest" raiser bet the flop, allowing for bluffing as long as it isn't done too frequently?

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笔者在对这一程序进行分析后认为,法院不能成为审判监督程序的提起机关。After analysing, the writer gets a conclusion that the court can not be the raiser of trail supervision procedure.

科瓦日奇的家属上前想帮助我们记忆,在他们的儿子布赖恩忠诚的小狗养,爱狗。The Kovaric Family stepped forward wanting to help us in memory of their son Brian, a devoted Puppy Raiser and dog lover.

我上学不久,父亲被邻村一位养鱼专业户请去守鱼池,每月能赚50元。Soon after I went to school, father was hired by a fish raiser to keep watch rearing pond , which earned 50 yuan per month.

因为它成了新时尚的揭幕表演它意味着一些大牌买家和时装评论家的参加。Since it 039's acting as a curtain raiser to new styles it means an unprecedented list of a-list buyers and powerful fashion critics.

在夏季奥林匹克到来前,中国看来感到不同寻常的大胆,他们将此作为这个国家在世界上地位上什的窗口。China seems to feel unusually bold before the Summer Olympics, seen here as a curtain raiser for the nation's ascent to pre-eminence in the world.

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当小狗狗长到9周大的时候,牠们就会被带到自愿的寄养家庭中。小狗会被教导认识世界上各式各样的景象、声音和气味。When the puppy is 9 weeks old, it will be taken into a volunteer raiser family, who introduces the puppy to the sights, sounds and smells of the world.

蚕农合作组织的性质必须完全由蚕农自愿参加,按照一定章程建立起来的农民自治组织。The property that silkworm raiser collaboration organizes must attend completely of one's own accord by silkworm raiser, the farmer autonomy that builds according to certain way is organized.

计算结果表明,模拟成固定端的与实际情况不符,而模拟成弹性支撑的比较合理。This paper analyzes the reality state of sub-sea pipeline, raises the viewpoint of simulating the raiser top end as an elastic support, and demonstrates the treatment with a calculative ex ample.