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等等你是说要重接他的大脑…Wait, you want to rewire his brain?

大脑并非恒定不变,神经细胞在人的一生中经常重新连线。Brains are not static, and neurons constantly rewire themselves throughout life.

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这种对象间通信的方式非常灵活,并且容易“重新组合”。This type of communication between objects is very flexible and easy to "rewire".

认知行为疗法通常是用于“重新连接”赌徒的思维过程。Cognitive-behavioral therapy is often used to "rewire" the gambler's thought processes.

把他的上臂摘下来,再重新装线,你就能让这坏小子成为你的厨具了。Get the upper hand for a minute, and you could rewire that bad boy to be your handy kitchen helper.

治疗肥胖的唯一途径是彻底重建胃和大脑的联系。The only way to cure obesity is to radically rewire the relationship between the stomach and the brain.

“一个可以自我改型,自我重构的大脑极其有用”,布莱克莫尔教授表示。"It is extremely useful to have a brain that can remodel and rewire itself, " says Professor Blakemore.

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她说,现在我们只等著看多大的损害是要做的,如果大脑能重铺这是自相矛盾。She said that now we have to just wait and see how much damage was done and if the brain can rewire it self.

事实证明一旦看到这些药物,那些悬赏通路难以绕开,但疫苗能绕开一切。It turns out those pathways are difficult to rewire once they've seen the drug. But the vaccine just circumvents all that.

萨波尔斯基等人认为,对原有行为引发反应的最新研究,可以重新疏通大脑并引发更为平静的反应。Sapoklsy and others contend that learning new responses to old behaviors can rewire your brain to invoke a calmer response.

这里我们展示活体小鼠的大脑中对运动技巧练习的反应可引起突触快速连接并长久不忘。Here we show that synaptic connections in the living mouse brain rapidly respond to motor-skill learning and permanently rewire.

特别是糖分和脂肪含量高的食物,会让人产生强烈的欲望,并激活大脑大脑中的快感回路,将这种欲望进一步放大。In particular, foods with sugar or fat seem to trigger cravings that then rewire the brain’s pleasure circuitry to amplify that craving.

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教会成员在一个废弃的购物中心义务地建起了一个医院。Church members volunteered their labor to create a hospital in an abandoned shopping center. "We had to rewire the building, re-plumb it.

其中部分研究确实发现大脑恢复能力的提高及与其相关的记忆力的增强可以遗传给后代。Indeed, one of the studies found that a boost in the brain's ability to rewire itself and a corresponding improvement in memory could be passed on.

一份关于视力受损老鼠的研究报告表明,每日给它们注入一定剂量的氟西汀能够帮助大脑中的视觉中枢进行自我修复,同时还能纠正它们自身的缺陷。A study of rats with impaired vision shows that daily doses of fluoxetine help their brains' visual centres to rewire themselves and correct the defect.

最好的办法是从集成图表中删除这个流程组件,拖动并放下更新后的流程,并将其重新连接到三个导入上。The best solution is to delete the process component from the assembly diagram, drag and drop in the updated process, and rewire it to the three imports.

如果芯片有问题,应该直接研究金属层来察看电路,而对于聚焦离子束系统则应该重新布线。If there was a problem with the chip, you could probe the metal directly to watch the circuitry, and, with a focused-ion-beam system, you could even rewire it.

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你听说过“大脑可塑性”这个词吗?大脑可塑性,也称作神经可塑性,它指的是大脑对环境的变化和适应能力,甚至重塑自身的能力。Have you heard the term "brain plasticity"? Brain plasticity, or neuroplasticity, refers to the ability of the brain to change and adapt, and even rewire itself.

陪你的孩子一起玩耍,抽空去做个身体检查,和你的爱人一起去参加舞会……做工作,打扫房间或换个电灯线什么的总是会有时间的。Play with your children. Take time to get medical checkups. Take your partner out dancing. There will always be time to go to work, clean the house, or rewire the lamp.

广告但如果这种治疗方法真的起作用,它很有可能被用于帮助人们治疗其他疾病,如唐氏综合症和阿尔茨海默病,从而有效地恢复他们的大脑运作。But if the treatment does work, it might be used to help people with other disorders, such as Down's syndrome and Alzheimer's disease, to effectively rewire their brains.