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减小船舶阻力,提高航行速度已势在必行。Minish the ship resistance and improve theheadway is necessary.

我每天得做两百次仰卧起坐来消除我的肚腩。I need do two hundred sit-ups everyday in order to minish my belly.

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文章还对如何减小测量误差,提高辨识精度进行了研究。How to minish measure error and enhance identification precision was also studied in the paper.

为了减小热变形对径向间隙的影响,建议零件材料运用超因瓦合金材料。The material of super Invar is advised to use to minish the disadvantage of thermal deformation.

随着流量增大,叶片工作面与压力面的压力差减小。With the flux augment, the pressure difference between pressure face and suctionface will minish.

通过实验波形证实本结论分析正确,可以为电机减小转矩脉动作为参考。The experimental figure approve the conclusion is right Can as reference for minish Commutation torque ripple.

为了缩小与世界发达国家水质指标的差距,需要提高澄清工艺的出水水质。In order to minish the difference from the developed country, effluent quality of the clafier must be improved.

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仿真计算表明,该方法是可行的,能够有效减小落点的横向偏差。The simulation indicates that the method is correct and effective, and is able to minish the transverse deviation.

采用距离分段加权技术,可以减小加权引起的信噪比损失,从而提高了雷达的作用距离。Range subsection weighting technology is used to minish SNR loss caused by weighting, so as to increase radar range.

新辅助化疗可以减小肿瘤负荷,降低临床病期,提高肿瘤的手术切除率。Neoadjuvant chemotherapy can minish burthen of tumor and lower the clinical stage, and increase resection rate of cancer.

采用本方法选取的电感值,可以使补偿电流纹波较小,并且能得到良好的跟踪补偿性能。Inductance value selected by this method can minish the ripple of compensation current and get good compensation performance.

步进电机与输液泵之间通过橡胶连接头实现连接,可缓解输液时由步进电机震动引起的脉动。The rubber joint between stepper motor and transfer pump can minish pulsation caused by the shake of the motor when transfusing.

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为什么声压振幅极大值随发射器与接收器之间的距离增大而减小?。Why does the maximum of the amplitude of sound pressure minish with the distance between the emitter and the receiver augmenting?

本论文介绍了一种动态高型控制方法,利用该方法可以较大幅度减小跟踪误差。A dynamic high type control method is introduced in this dissertation. It can minish the dynamic error greatly by using this method.

同时带有喷射器的双温制冷循环的制冷量和循环COP随着引射系数的增大而减小。At the same time, the refrigeration quantity and COP of the loop with ejector minish along with the accretion of the eject coefficient.

如何减小缺陷尺寸、减少缺陷数目是当今提高其抗拉强度的主要技术途径和研究热点。The main technical path and research focus of increasing its strength are how to minish dimension of defects and how to reduce number of defects.

为减小干扰及提高检测电路的灵敏性,采用滞回电压比较器作为整形电路,取得了良好的效果。And voltage comparator with retardation has been chosen as the shaping circuit to minish undesired signal and to improve the sensitivity of circuit.

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目前对地基变形作用的控制主要是在设计时通过设定地基变形的允许值来避免或减小地基变形的作用。Presently, the control of foundation deformation is mainly carried out by setting the allowable value to avoid or minish its effects in design stage.

结果表明,该工法方法能大幅度减小沉降,减小对桥台基础的水平推力,具有显著的经济效益。The results indicate that this method can minish settlement largely and decrease level thrusts on bridge abutments, its economic benefits are notable.

并从减小信息不对称程度和使委托代理双方利益趋向一致的角度出发,设计一系列风险防范对策。To minish the information asymmetry degree and make consignor's and succedaneum's benefit more consistent, a series of countermeasures have been designed.