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一切,他已经离开了他的体侧。All he had left was his sidearm.

他夺走了高速公路巡警的车和手枪。He took a squad car and a sidearm off a highway patrolman.

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它也是一把可靠的特殊行动用个人武器。It is a reliable sidearm for special operations personnel.

汤姆拔出他的手枪,警惕地向倒地的外星人移动。Tom pulled out his Sidearm and warily moved to the fallen aliens.

不要跑和回避作掩护,他抽出了他的9毫米火箭筒。Instead of running and ducking for cover, he drew his 9mm sidearm.

这种灵活的随身武器既可以对空,也可以对地。This flexible sidearm can be used to target both air and ground enemies.

正手腿下抛出是比较容易掌握手枪之一抛出。The under the leg forehand throw is one of the easier sidearm throws to master.

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我喜欢用侧投的动作丢铁饼。这是一个很容易产生动力的丢法。I like doing the sidearm motion to throw the discus . It's such a good way to build momentum.

这种吉奥诺西斯士兵的标准武器使用振荡器产生毁灭性的声波弹。The standard sidearm of the Geonosian soldier uses oscillators to produce a devastating sonic blast.

了解如何从一个世界冠军自由泳手枪抛出飞盘倒在这个自由运动系列影片。Learn how to do freestyle Frisbee upside down sidearm throws from a world champion in this free sports video series.

该标准手枪的问题一个空间海洋是全自动穿甲火箭推进的榴弹发射器。The standard-issue sidearm of a Space Marine is a fully automatic armour-piercing rocket-propelled grenade launcher.

中国军队配备的重机枪则主要是根据德国图纸制造出的水冷式马克逊机枪,平均每个营可以配上一挺,一般步兵的标准配置则是7.63毫米M1932型半自动毛瑟手枪。On average every battalion would get one HMG. The standard sidearm was the 7.63 mm Mauser M1932 semi-automatic pistol

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一某些会来,爱,一些会停留。看看晴朗的天空。爱黑暗还有我的侧投。嘿,来吧,来吧。Some may come, love, and some may stay. Watching out for a sunny day. Love and darkness and my sidearm. Hey, elan, elan.

这名高大的右投手,以侧投的方式投球,在1996-2000年效力洋基队,赢得过四次世界大赛冠军。The tall right-hander with the funky, sidearm delivery played for the Yankees from 1996-2000, winning four World Series titles.

生活过去常常是如此简单,一支笔一张纸就构成了学生,艺术家和写清单的人的完美利器。Life used to be so simple– just a pencil and paper combined as the perfect sidearm of the student, the artist and the list maker.

在塔科有机会继续其喋喋不休的说教前,特里奥库鲁斯无声地下令希萨用侧装爆能枪一枪处决了塔科。Before Takel could continue his rant, he was quickly executed by Hissa with a shot from his sidearm blaster at Trioculus' unspoken order.

这名高大的右投手,以侧投的方式投球,在1996-2000年效力洋基队,赢得过四次世界大赛冠军。他曾在2003年再归队。The tall right-hander with the funky, sidearm delivery played for the Yankees from 1996-2000, winning four World Series titles. He returned for part of the 2003 season.

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平民弩兵装备军弩和飞刀,部分幸运士兵尚可配备轻型链甲,但大部分弩兵为轻装上阵。Peasant Crossbowmen are equipped with a crossbow and have a simple knife for a sidearm. Lucky peasants are armoured in light mail, most peasants though are not lucky and are unarmoured.