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婴儿呀呀学语。The infant babbles.

婴儿、幼儿与儿童餐。Baby, Infant and Child Meals.

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约翰已经进幼儿学校了。John has started infant school.

他在1629年的时候不过就是个婴儿。He is very much an infant in 1629.

中国将严管婴儿食品。Stricter standards for infant foods.

潘文石和小组成员给幼崽做了体检。Pan and his team examined the infant.

那可真是一个不受欢迎的婴儿,可怜的东西!An unwelcomed infant it was, poor thing!

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连幼儿和小学生都参加了。Even infant and junior pupils took part.

在她婴儿时期,他的臂腕拥抱着她。No carrying her in his arms as an infant.

这个婴儿尝试着摇摇晃晃走了几步。The infant had essayed a few wobbly steps.

渐渐地,林婴婴和汪夫人混熟了。Gradually, Lin Ying infant and Mrs Wang mix.

医疗工作者在尼泊尔为婴儿注射预防针。A health worker immunizes an infant in Nepal.

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防止了约194,000名婴儿感染艾滋病病毒。Prevention of about 194,000 infant infections.

婴猴采取人工保温、人工喂乳等措施护理。Infant monkeys were fostered by artificial care.

不然的话,建议用特殊婴儿配方。Otherwise, special infant formula is recommended.

婴儿期喝母乳的儿童以后不容易尿床。The breast-fed infant will not easily wet the bed.

麦芽糖可用于生产婴儿的食品和麦牙乳。Maltose is used in infant foods and in malted milk.

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当然,这种婴儿补充物的发展还有很长的路要走。Still, such an infant supplement is a long way off.

只是上了幼儿学校,才会有早餐牛奶。But at infant school we would have our morning milk.

婴儿急腹痛干预措施的有效性。The effectiveness of Interventions for Infant Colic.