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今天,我们将听到克雷格和艾尔莎。Today, we'll listen to Craig and Elsa.

菲丽丝?是你吗?我是克莱格?马司特斯。Phyllis ? Is that you? It's Craig Masters.

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我是克雷格·温德姆,这里是华盛顿NPR新闻。I am Craig Windham, NPR news, in Washington.

拉里·克雷格是辞职了,但仅仅是暂时的。Larry Craig did, but that was only temporary.

八克雷格蹲下,并在盯着老虎。Pat Craig squats down and stares at the tiger.

这里是华盛顿NPR新闻,我是克雷格·温德姆。From NPR News in Washington, I'm Craig Windham.

这里是华盛顿NPR新闻,我是克雷格·温德姆。From NPR news in Washington, I am Craig Windham.

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比尔·克林顿,约翰·赛因,马克·桑福德,拉里·克雷格。Bill Clinton, John Ensign, Mark Sanford, Larry Craig.

这部西部科幻片由丹尼尔克雷格和哈里逊福特主演。The sci-fi western stars Daniel Craig and Harrison Ford.

这次是新手丹尼尔。格列主演詹士帮一角。This time around, newcomer Daniel Craig plays James Bond.

“我的肘部可能都已经碰到了它的眼睛”,克雷格谈道。"I could have touched its eye with my elbow, " says Craig.

奎格文特尔领导了赛罗拉公司的私人实验室工作。J. Craig Venter led the private laboratory efforts at Celera.

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克雷格是星传媒的新雇员,一个电脑和打印机的生产商。Craig is a new hire at StarCom, a computer and printer manufacturer.

通过一名翻译,魁格问她注射器从哪里弄到的。Through an interpreter, Craig asked her where the needles came from.

五天后,克雷蒂安办公室打电话给魁格,安排一场会面。Five days later, Chrétien’s office called Craig to arrange a meeting.

曼彻斯特城队的前锋克拉格·贝拉米想要回到卡迪夫城队。Manchester City striker Craig Bellamy wants to return to Cardiff City.

克雷格是我的老朋友,我竭尽全力让他们一起合作。Craig was an old friend, and I had done my best to bring them together.

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伊利诺伊州上尉警官克雷格·克里尔说两个孩子“是安全和健康的”。Illinois State Police Capt. Craig Koehler said they are safe and sound.

奥伊斯特河核电站也不例外,”艾斯能发言人克雷格内斯比特对法新社说。Oyster Creek is no exception," Exelon spokesman Craig Nesbitt told AFP.

比如,你将会看到伊斯特蒙德和威尔希尔。For example, you will see players like Craig Eastmond and Jack Wilshere.