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尖齿叉子或干草叉等工具上的尖头。A prong on an implement such as a fork or pitchfork.

镀白金色戒指配以一大颗印地安蓝色爪镶水晶。Rhodium plated ring with a large Indian Sapphire prong set crystal.

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并非所有的插头都有三个插脚,某些工具的插头只有两个插脚。Not all plugs are three pronged and some tools have only a two prong plug.

弄错一次标记不像在错误的时间用带刺项圈纠正那样后果严重。Missing a mark is not like giving a prong collar correction at the wrong time.

政府刺激计划的一个主要目标就是银行洪水般的借贷。A major prong of the government's stimulus program was a flood of lending by banks.

使用带刺项圈纠正一头“软狗”会把它吓坏并停止尝试。Give a soft dog a prong collar correction and the dog will shut down and quit trying.

在烧叉的每一根尖上都叉着一个小小的烤耗子,尾部和须子都烤焦了。And there indeed on each prong of the fork was a little roast mouse, with singed tail and whiskers.

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刚开始,我就发现为我准备的延长线不容纳我的三叉插头。First I discovered that the extension cord that had been provided for me would not accommodate my three prong plug.

各种塑胶钮扣,金属钮中,五爪扣等已成功地通过此款机器运行。A wide variety of plastic snap buttons, metal buttons, prong snap button has been successfully fastened by this machine.

狗儿经常拉牵引带,不把主人作为领袖来尊重。这种情况下我会使用带刺的项圈来让狗儿停下来。A dog that always pulls on the leash does not respect his owner as a pack leader, so I put a stop to it with a prong collar.

以后,随着基金的知名度提升,各个基金组织都会响应我们,那就形成了一定程度的联动。After that, along with famousness prong will be rise and many fund organization will respond us and form linkage of a certain extent.

如果你能用指甲将爪镶部位抬起,很可能它所镶的宝石会脱落,那么这件首饰就没有价值了。If you can lift a prong with your finger nail, chances are that the gemstone it is holding will fall out and the piece will be worthless.

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不管怎么扔,这款铁蒺藜轮胎刺都能用向上的一面扎破汽车或飞机的轮胎。No matter how the caltrop tire spike was tossed on a roadway or airport runway, it would land with a tire-puncturing prong facing upward.

贸易律师们表示,伯格斯登提议的第三种手段——向WTO提起申诉——可能会陷入模糊的法律困境。And trade lawyers say the third prong of Mr Bergsten's attack, a case against China at the WTO, involves plunging into a murky legalistic swamp.

中国的首个努力方向是向非洲国家提供资源交换型开发贷款。The first prong of Beijing's efforts is to offer African states resource-backed development loans, an initiative inspired by its experience at home.

杜邦公司策略的第三个方面是,开发在商业上有更大可行性而又能减排的先进生物燃料。The third prong of DuPont’s strategy is to develop advanced biofuels that have greater commercial viability, but that also reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

摘要介绍了新型音叉受迫振动与共振实验仪。通过音叉双臂与振动周期关系的研究,可以深入理解振动式液体密度传感器的原理及其应用。A new kind of physics experimental instrument of forced vibration and resonance is introduced conducting research of the relationship between vibration period and to arms of prong.

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介绍了新型音叉受迫振动与共振实验仪。通过音叉双臂与振动周期关系的研究,可以深入理解振动式液体密度传感器的原理及其应用。A new kind of physics experimental instrument of forced vibration and resonance is introduced, conducting research of the relationship between vibration period and two arms of prong.

野放计画还有另一个方向,即在私有地引进少量的大象、猎豹和狮子,这很可能引发更大的争议,但其实马上就可进行了。Another prong of the project would likely be more controversial but could also begin immediately. It would establish small numbers of elephants, cheetahs and lions on private property.

这款镀白金色戒指缀以爪石镶嵌的银彩、紫色、浅紫色和银色魅影水晶,展现奇妙醉人的光线折射,让您成为众人中的瞩目焦点。The rhodium-plated ring made of Satin, Amethyst, Light Amethyst and Silver Shade crystals in a prong setting captures the attention of on-lookers as it plays with light in magical ways.