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烤成一块馅饼。Baked in a pie.

做苹果派吗?Making apple pie?

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饼闻起来好香。A pie smells good.

2“不要向我扔馅饼,老兄!”Don't pie me, bro!

真是一派激起千层派啊。That is a lot of pie.

我再要一个菠萝派。I want a pineapple pie.

再来一块馅饼吧?A man-sized piece of pie.

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她能使一个樱桃派。Can she make a cherry pie.

她能使一个樱桃派。She can make a cherry pie.

今日牛肉饼停止供应。The steak pie is off today.

别的是厚皮刺果松。Another is the loblolly pie.

你能尝一块馅饼吗?Could you go a piece of pie?

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我喜欢做菠萝派。I like making pineapple pie.

倒入土制派的外壳。Pour into unbaked pie shell.

对呀。这是火龙果饼。Yes. This is the pitaya pie.

他吃了三人份的派。He ate three helpings of pie.

买泡泡糖还是一块巧克力派?Bubble gum or a chocolate pie?

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在馅饼上涂上打匀的蛋液使表面发亮。Glaze the pie with beaten egg.

我想吃火鸡和南瓜饼。I like turkey and pumpkin pie.

将你的收入想象成一个派。Think of your income as a pie.