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你能不能帮我在海上修条高速公路能从我家门口直达那里?Could you create a highway from my beachfront home in Malibu to Hawaii?

迪拜的海滩熠熠生辉,其上遍布为富人打造的风格化海景地产。Dubai's coast has grown garish with stylized beachfront lots for the wealthy.

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2004年,他们在新泽西海洋城购买了附带有一间餐馆的两英亩海滨资产。In 2004, they bought a two-acre beachfront property in Ocean City, New Jersey.

电影展示大量有关的场面,影片背景设在果亚阿姆利则的海滨度假区。They are quite lavish. The setting is Amritsar with a holiday on the beachfront in Goa.

但是高速的海滨发展推动了这个结果——南端的跑车竞赛如火如荼进行中。But rapid beachfront development has forced stock- and sports-car racing to the southern end.

那就再建一个有120公里长新海岸线的巨大人工岛。Running out of coastline to build hotels?Build vast artificial islands with 120km of new beachfront.

从外地来此办婚礼的客人们若是选择了海滨地区各式各样的小屋和村舍,绝对是个聪明的决定。Beachfront cottages and cabins in a variety of styles are a smart bet for out-of-town wedding guests.

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第四系滨海区受海水影响则表现为氯化钠型。However, those from Quaternary beachfront region are the type of NaCl dominant because of seawater influence.

波利尼西亚人为舞而燃的火把,在塔希提海滨胜地的舞台上烧灼并且挥舞着。Fueled by a Polynesian passion for dance, torch-twirling Tahitians stage a sizzling show at a beachfront resort.

风帆大酒店和卓美拉大酒店坐落的滨海地区先前叫芝加哥沙滩。The beachfront area where the Burj Al Arab and Jumeirah Beach Hotel are located was previously called Chicago Beach.

不过现在都已经改变了,因为开发商进驻要让这个在纽约布鲁克林的海滨区恢复生气。That's all changing now, though, as developers are moving in to revitalize the beachfront area in New York's Brooklyn.

这里的海滨酒店有着整洁优美的花园,居高临下俯瞰着绿树阴翳的亚龙湾海景。Its beachfront hotels have immaculate, landscaped gardens with a commanding view of the waters of sheltered Yalong Bay.

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这场针对比基尼客户的促销活动是该公司最新的促销活动,为了起到宣传的作用,该公司已经把加油站的前院改装成了沙滩的样子。The petrol station turns its forecourt into a beachfront for its latest promotion of free fuel to bikini-clad customers.

但是现在,斯军政府军官员称猛虎组织控制的范围缩小到了只有靠海滨的几平公里。But now, military officials say the area held by the Tamil Tigers has been reduced to just a few square kilometers of beachfront.

品尝美食和放松,海滨烧烤,田园诗般的沙洲上,并在船上漩涡夕阳逢低按摩。Savour gourmet cuisine and relax with beachfront barbecues, massages on idyllic sandbanks and sunset dips in the on-board whirlpool.

每间均设有设施齐全的厨房、一个私人庭院或阳台以及空调。The resort offers studio-style accommodation with kitchenette facilities in the tropical gardens or beachfront bungalow accommodation.

坐落在冲浪者天堂中心,这些宽敞的公寓拥有大型阳台,享有海滩的美景。Located on the beach in Coolangatta, Komune Resort offers holiday apartments with a large external deck and spectacular beachfront views.

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鉴于海滩的位置以及金兰湾凹凸起伏的地形,客人能在所有的客房和别墅内欣赏到美得令人窒息的海景。Due to the beachfront location and undulating terrain of the site, all guest rooms and villas will feature breath-taking views of the ocean.

海滨附近有一个大型户外泳池和餐厅。水上活动包含浮潜、深海潜水、独木舟和钓鱼。也提供网路和儿童游戏室。这是岛屿上的其中一间渡假村。Resort offers two large outdoor swimming pools, one is right next to the beachfront and another is located in the middle of resort's garden.

他们和3个室友住在海滨的房子里,我妈妈大学后两年的时间都耗在大麻,路边摊和避孕药上。They lived in a rambling beachfront house with three roommates, and spent my mother's last two college years blissed out on pot, hash, and pills.