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NCAA将热适应加入到足球训练的计划中The NCAA has incorporated heat acclimation into football training schedules.

但是热适应训练依然是保护运动员的最主要手段。But heat acclimation is still a primary method to prepare athletes for the heat.

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他说,NCAA是进行热适应保护运动员的典范。He said the NCAA serves as an excellent example of how acclimation protects players.

此外,在热适应过程中,一种名叫热振动蛋白的分子的数量在增加。In addition, molecules called heat shock proteins increase during the heat acclimation process.

最好的方法,Minson说,是在一个人身体状况较好时开始热适应训练。The best approach, Minson said, is beginning heat acclimation after a person is already in shape.

植物在冷驯化过程中会产生基因表达的变化,这一理论已经在许多植物中得到证实。It has been found that changes in gene expression occur during cold acclimation in a wide range of plants.

在仲秋或晚秋播种后,冬小麦种子经历了被称为冷驯化的过程。After being planted in the mid to late fall, winter wheat seedlings undergo a process called cold acclimation.

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结果显示离体人胎儿脐动脉有良好的顺应性良好的耐压性。The result shows artery of fetal from body person hilum has good acclimation the compression sex with good sex.

热适应还能帮助较少身体脱水--热疾病的风险因素--的发生。Essentially, heat acclimation decreases the effects of dehydration on the body -- a primary risk factor for heat illnesses.

这些都说明热锻炼和水杨酸提高植物抗热性具有相似的作用机制。These results indicated that SA treatment and heat acclimation showed common mechanism of inducing thermotolerance of plants.

这种改变有利于改善低氧时机体各器官和组织的供氧状态,促进习服。These changes may be advantageous in delivering oxygen to tissues and may be favorable for promoting acclimation to high altitude.

根据习常的达尔文自然选择动力,这种适应高地生活的突变就开始主宰小村人群的基因库。By the usual Darwinian dynamics of natural selection, the mutation of altitude acclimation comes to dominate the village gene pool.

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热适应最重要的作用是我们在血液中增加了水分--体液。"One of the primary things that happens with heat acclimation is we increase the water -- the plasma -- in our blood," Minson said.

热适应最重要的作用是我们在血液中增加了水分--体液。"One of the primary things that happens with heat acclimation is we increase the water -- the plasma -- in our blood, " Minson said.

图式具有同化和顺应的心理机制,这为言语心理结构提供了发展的可能。Schema has a psychological mechanism of assimilation and acclimation. And that may enable the development of parole psychological structure.

淹水训练能够有效地改善芝麻品种耐渍能力为结构适应提供了进一步的证据。The fact that pre-flooding acclimation could effectively improve waterlogging tolerance of sesame provides clues to the structure adaptation.

首次提出了针对高浓度有机质的活性污泥间歇浓度梯度驯化法,阐明了驯化过程中糖代谢速率和产氢能力的演变规律。This is the first to our knowledge reported for the batch acclimation of sludge at high concentration of organic matter medium over 80g sucrose per liter.

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如果你是慢热型选手,需要一段时间来适应环境,进入状态的话,那么就要在适应了新环境一段时间后再对你的工作进行批判。If you're someone who needs a while to feel comfortable in a new environment, give yourself that acclimation period before you assume your new job is at fault.

推测这一不同的动态变化最终决定了植物在低温下产生冷适应的不同能力。Based on the above observations, it could be reasonably inferred that different dynamics of cyt determines decisively different cold acclimation abilities of plants.

通过批量试验系统研究了盐度对常规活性污泥硝化作用的影响以及污泥在含盐环境中经过驯化后其硝化功能的变化。The effects of salinity on the nitrification of activated sludge without acclimation and with acclimation were studied respectively on the basis of batch experiments.