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斯托特坦言,该数据集显示不出明确的趋势。This data set showed no clear trend, said Stott.

斯托特普拉提练习套路中使用中立的立场脊柱。Stott Pilates uses the neutral spine position in exercise routines.

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Stoot说,此次会议建立的一个小组将在明年提出一个方案。A group created at the meeting will draw up a plan for the next year, said Stott.

变暖的最大祸首是人类活动释放的温室气体。The cause of the warming was "dominated" by greenhouse gases emitted by human activity, said Stott.

了解更多关于斯托特普拉提从健身教练与专家提示在这个自由锻炼影片。Learn more about Stott Pilates with expert tips from a fitness instructor in this free workout video.

斯托特说,烧焦莫斯科的天气系统提供了一个实例,说明气象学家所面对的复杂性。An example of the complexity that faces meteorologists is provided by the weather system that scorched Moscow, said Stott.

参议员称,这个案例提出了关于面临外国刑事指控的澳大利亚公民所受待遇的问题。Senator Stott Despoja said the case raised issues about the treatment of Australian citizens facing criminal charges abroad.

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Stott觉得女性孤独症患者比男性患者更能从他人的角度看问题,也更容易有感情上的交流。Stott feels that autistic women are more able to see things from another's point of view than autistic men, and are more emotionally responsive.

史托特还说,他们两位也不大相信温度计的读数,「反而大幅仰赖不确定性更大的古资料。」The two researchers also discount thermometer readings and "give great weight to the paleo data for which the uncertainties are much greater, " Stott says.

此次与鲍文一同升空的还有指挥官史蒂芬.林赛,前首席宇航员、飞行员埃里克.鲍伊,以及宇航员阿尔文德鲁,迈克尔巴拉特和妮可斯托特。With Bowen aboard the shuttle are commander Steven Lindsey, the former chief astronaut, pilot Eric Boe, and astronauts Alvin Drew, Michael Barratt and Nicole Stott.

斯托特接着说,要预报这样的气候事件,科学家需要能够量化它涉及到的所有变量,还要开发非常精确的土地表面模型。To forecast an event like that, scientists need to be able to quantify all the variables involved and also develop a very precise model of the land surface, added Stott.

但澳大利亚民主党参议员N.S.D在五月份参议院预算听证会期间提出了阿得里案件,她说,关于此人所受对待的几个严肃问题仍无答复。But Australian Democrats senator Natasha Stott Despoja, who raised Adree's case during Senate estimates hearings in May, said serious questions about the man's treatment remained unanswered.

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Stott告诉本网站说,可以理解的是,一些国家在进行自己的研究和发表关于这些数据的论文之前,它们不希望分享这些用了数年收集起来的数据。Stott told SciDev.Net it was understandable that countries do not want to part with data that they have spent years collecting before they have done their own research and published papers on it.