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创始人布赖恩克莱默正是基于此创立了这个地方。Cofounder Brian Kramer deliberately configured the space that way.

如果你和你的伙伴是非常认真的想干一番事业,那就开始干吧。If you and a potential cofounder are really serious about creating a business together, get started now.

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我们也花了很多时间来了解孩子和他们的玩耍方式。We also spend a lot of time understanding kids and how they are playing, " said Bossa Nova Robotics cofounder Martin Hitch."

雅虎创始人杨致远早些时候表示,雅虎现在在考虑一切战略选择,其中就包括可能将公司出售给马云。Earlier in the show, Yahoo cofounder Jerry Yang said the company was considering all options, including a possible sale to Ma.

你在坚持做正确的事情”哈佛大学谈判项目共同创办人威廉·尤里博士如是说。You’re standing up for what is right for you, ” says William Ury, PhD, cofounder of Harvard University’s Program on Negotiation.

所以如果你想提高自己成功的机会,你就应该多想想你应该有怎样的合作者,而不只是关注现在的经济状况。So if you want to improve your chances, you should think far more about who you can recruit as a cofounder than the state of the economy.

埃默里洛文斯是落基山研究所的创办者,也是转化能源与汽车行业的首创思想的策划者。Amory Lovins is cofounder of the Rocky Mountain Institute and the instigator of ingenious ideas to transform the energy and automobile industries.

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仅仅一年的时间内,通过免费的网站服务,布兰特和合伙创始人贝尔顿•贝克已经建立起了一个有近5,000人的大学生客户群。In just a year, Brandt and cofounder Belton Baker have put together a community of nearly 5, 000 college students who don't pay a dime for the service.

2007年的秋天,这位Google的创始人对他的欧洲分舵进行了为期五天的视察,包括苏黎世、伦敦、牛津、都柏林等四所城市。It was the fall of 2007, and Google's cofounder was in the middle of a five-day tour of his company's European operations in Zurich, London, Oxford, and Dublin.

研究小组的合作创办人、进化心理学家彼特·托德指出,面对苏瑟博士的著名菜单——绿色鸡蛋和火腿,大多数人都会选择火腿。Peter Todd, an evolutionary psychologist and cofounder of the research group, points out that, given Dr Seuss's famous menu of green eggs and ham, most people would opt for the ham.

DIYbio是一个“生物黑客”的全球性网络,致力于创办自动运行的实验室并在传统的大学和产业环境之外进行生物学研究。Cowell is the cofounder of DIYbio, a worldwide network of “biohackers” dedicated to creating pop-up labs and doing biology outside the traditional environments of universities and industry.