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让我们联合起来抵制日货!Let's Boycott Japanese Products!

网上都在谈联合抵制。The networks are taiking boycott.

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我们决定拒绝跟他们来往。We are determined to boycott them.

米歇尔,你不能抵制你的未来。You can’t boycott your future, Michelle.

抵制日货是正确的吗?Is it right to boycott Japanese products?

阿肯色州教育协会声称教师们会抵制这次考试。The AEA said teachers would boycott the test.

为什么中国人会抵制日货?Why Chinese people boycott Japanese products?

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柠檬摇起坐县集市的特点。Lemon shake-ups Properties opposition boycott.

抵制历时三八二天。The boycott lasted three hundred eighty-two days.

所有热爱和平的爱国者应该抵制中国货。All peace loving patriots should boycott chinese products.

但很久以前,抵制的说法还是逐渐式微了。But long ago, loose talk of an Olympic boycott had fizzled.

首先,所有全世界的中国人一致抵制日货!Firsly, all the Chinese in the world boycott Japanese goods!

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他如何将从甘地身上学到的技巧,应用到了1955年的公交车罢工中?How he applied Gandhi and techniques in bus boycott in 1955?

他督促该群立法人士能够回到威斯康辛并宣称这次的联合抵制是场”作秀“。He urged the group to return and called the boycott a "stunt."

但村民们告诫政府,如果政府真的这么做,他们就抵制选举。But villagers warned that they would boycott the vote, if it did.

她拒绝让座的行为导致了蒙哥马利巴士抵制运动。Her refusal to give up her seat led to the Montgomery Bus Boycott.

如果每个人都投票选他,他会坚持抵制的主张吗?If everyone votes for him anyway, will he persist with his boycott?

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当然,我同样也不希望看到我的书被人抵制杯葛。Neither, of course, do I wish to see my books subjected to a boycott.

因为美国抵制此届奥运,以抗议苏联在1979年入侵阿富汗。S. -led boycott to protest the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979.

格鲁吉亚总统萨卡什维利已经暗示要杯葛冬奥会。Georgia's president Mikhail Saakashvili has already hinted at a boycott.