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他的裤子在膝盖处鼓鼓囊囊的。His pants were baggy at the knees.

宽松的牛仔裤是美国说唱歌手典型的风格。The baggy style is typical for American rappers.

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我每天穿松松垮垮的衣服上学。I go to school dressed in baggy clothes everyday.

千万别穿太紧身或者太松垮的仔裤。Do not wear jeans that are too tight or too baggy.

不要穿过于松垮肥大的衣服,穿着一定要合身。Select the right clothes, do not wear baggy clothes.

破旧的衣服是掩盖凹凸不平东西的好方法。Baggy clothes are good for concealing lumps and bumps.

老年人有时眼下的皮是松弛的。Old people sometimes have baggy skin under their eyes.

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穿宽松的连衣裙和衬衫的女士要注意咯!Women, beware of loose-fitting frocks and baggy shirts!

你不觉得那些裤子太松垮了吗?It's the fashion. All the skateboarders wear baggy pants.

我好喜欢最后两张图的那条兰裙子和那条宽大的粉红裤子呀!I like the dress and the baggy pink pants in the last two pictures! ! !

一些长发的青少年,喜欢穿喇叭裤或宽松下垂的裤子。Some teenagers with long hair love to wear bell bottoms or baggy pants.

通过切口,脂肪可能会被删除正确的松松垮垮的下眼睑。Through the incision, fat may be removed to correct baggy lower eyelids.

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我的是宽松剪裁。这是那种穿来在家里东晃西晃的裤子。Well, mine are baggy. They're the kind of pants you can lounge around in.

哪位电影明星在电影中总是以头戴圆顶高帽,下穿松垮的长裤,手拿拐杖的形象出现?Which film star appeared in a bowler hat and baggy trousers, and carried a cane?

他开始在那件磨得很旧的,鼓鼓的衣服上的右边口袋里东摸西摸。He began to search in the righthand pocket of his well-worn and baggy linen suit.

她没有穿着化妆,穿松垮垮又雌雄同体的衣服,唱了西方歌。She didn't wear makeup, dressed in baggy , androgynous clothing, sang Western songs.

匪徒和皮条客穿着宽松的衣服是因为他们负担不起两省定做的钱。Gangsters and pimps wear baggy clothes because they can't afford to get them tailored.

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比如,可以考虑在穿长款风衣或宽松运动衫时穿过膝靴。Consider matching your boots with a long trench coat or a baggy sweatshirt, for instance.

他穿着棕色拉链运动衫、宽松的卡其裤以及阿迪达斯的凉鞋,看起来一个十足的电脑狂。He looks every bit the geek in his zippered brown sweatshirt, baggy khakis, and Adidas sandals.

目的介绍眼袋成形术并发球后血肿的诊断和治疗。Objective To explain the diagnosis and treatment of retrobulbar hematoma after baggy eye-plasty.