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法师召唤一组仙狗。The caster summons a pack of Cu Sidhe.

施法者将召唤出一组犬魔。The caster summons a pack of Barghests.

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我兄弟一生都是个铸工。My brother has been a caster all his life.

硬橡胶固定肥仔轮。Ebonite fixed wide wheel industrial caster.

硬橡胶活动肥仔轮。Ebonite swivel wide wheel industrial caster.

请向后伸手把胡椒面瓶递给我。Please reach back and pass me the pepper caster.

已成为优质脚轮品质的象征!SUPO has become the symbol of high quality caster.

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在连铸机的传家宝默认情况下是最好的。The caster heirlooms are by default the best ones.

对他们来说,太阳除了投影者外还是什么呢?And what is the sun to them but a caster of shadows?

施法者进入河流,与一位宁芙完成协定。The caster goes to river and makes a deal with a Naiad.

无论卡斯特还是她的家人都不应受到这种羞辱。Neither Caster nor her family deserves this humiliation.

法师召唤一只双足飞龙,并使其为自己服务。The Caster summons a Wyvern and binds it to his service.

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对于法师和射手的对抗,他们没有一点机会。For caster vs rifle duels, they don't even have a chance.

卡斯特·塞门亚,她现在已经很清清白白地继续跑步了。Now Caster Semenya, she's been clear to carry on running.

对西钢新建生产线五机五流小方坯连铸机改造进行了综述。Five strand billet caster at Xining Special Steel Group Co.

鬼兵的幽能子弹是否频繁用来狙击施法单位呢?How often is the ghosts psi round used to snipe caster units?

餐桌上的镀银调味品瓶架引起了她的注意。The silver plated caster on the dining table catch her attention.

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还有就是赛门亚身陷“性别门”。Other news is that Caster Semenya is involved in Sex Entanglement.

法师令一些士兵进入狂战士般的暴躁状态。The caster forces some soldiers to enter a state of berserker fury.

并由此提出一个简易的主销后倾角测量方法。A very easy measurement of the kingpin caster angle is been put forward.