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跳,蹦,向前。Skip, hop, front.

前两个按钮。Two-button front.

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前轮驱动。Front wheel drive.

柯柯达前线。Kokoda Front Line!

双向拉链。Two-way front zip.

双向拉链前面。Two-way zip front.

在尊长的面前。In front of an elder.

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接待花边关闭。Front lace-up closure.

前面那一面黄旗。The front yellow flag.

拉链前关闭。Full-zip front closure.

杀鸡取卵的领子和前。Banded collar and front.

重型前拉链。Heavy-duty front zipper.

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前轮胎爆裂了。The front tyre blew out.

怀特岛,海边。Isle of Wight, sea front.

肘关节超过前腿。Knuckled over front legs.

现在,神也在我们前头。Now God is down in front.

公司外的马路。Road in front of company.

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包前与身边的领带。Wrap front with side tie.

前门砰然闭上。the front door slams. Mr.

五个按钮的前门襟。Five-button front placket.