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他用一个加强语气的'不'字回答了这个问题。He answered the question with an emphatic 'No'.

他很坚决地摇头,拒绝了我的要求。He rejected my request with an emphatic shake of his head.

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是强烈地表示同意某人刚刚说过的话的方法。Is an emphatic way of agreeing with something someone has just said.

这一优异的表现为何塞·穆里尼奥正名。There was vindication for Jose Mourinho in such an emphatic showing.

乔伐耐里先生同他说再会的时候,手中的帽子好像挥得太起劲了一点。MR. Giovanelli bade him farewell with a too emphatic flourish of the hat.

最后结果是他赢得了澳网,温布顿和美网。The result was emphatic victories at the Australian Open, Wimbledon and U.S. Open.

另一方面,埃塞俄比亚人对表示着重否定的手势则不加区分。On the other hand, Ethiopians make no distinction in gesturing to indicate emphatic negation.

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问任何人他们是否很繁忙,压力很大,劳累过度,他们的回答总是一个果断的“是!”Ask anyone if they are busy, stressed or overworked and the answer will likely be an emphatic YES!

葡萄牙社会民主党在一场重要的大选中击败了社会主义政府获得胜利。Portugal's Social Democrats have unseated the Socialist government in an emphatic election victory.

在强式字词和一些常用的凝固结构上一般不产生借对。Loaned antithesis did not happen to emphatic words and terms and the frequently-used set structures.

所有研究巴利文佛经的学者都强调了它的重要性。All the scholars who have dealt with the Pali version of the Sutra are emphatic about its importance.

当被问及是否需要更多商品时,发达国家的消费者们已经用一个响亮的“NO”来做答。Asked whether they want more stuff, consumers in rich countries have responded with an emphatic “No”.

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在黄龙体育场的狂胜给曼联的亚洲巡回赛收了个好尾。The emphatic win at the Yellow Dragon Stadium in Hangzhou was a carnival close to United's Asis Tour.

他所带领的左倾工党已明显的优势结束了保守党约翰·霍华德12年之久的统治。His left-leaning party's emphatic victory ends nearly 12 years of rule by the conservative John Howard.

有效这用强语势有助于写作者更准确地表达思想感情。Using emphatic patterns effectively is helpful for writers to convey ideas and thoughts more accurately.

尽管没有赢得议会的绝对多数席位,但是对于执政的保守党来说,这仍然是一场酣畅淋漓的胜利。IT IS an emphatic victory, even if the ruling party has failed, again, to secure a majority in parliament.

史蒂芬-杰拉德梅开二度,英格兰最终以一场毋庸置疑的5比1大胜克罗地亚晋级2010年世界杯。Steven Gerrard fired twice as England qualified for the 2010 World Cup with an emphatic 5-1 win over Croatia.

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切尔西强势上场,重获英超冠军头衔,维根竞技惨败。Chelsea recaptured the Premier League title in emphatic fashion as Wigan Athletic were thrashed at Stamford Bridge.

与会人士用了一个小时的时间讨论新媒体和政治参与,但他们最强调的是投票的作用。Panelists talked for an hour about new media and political participation, but they were most emphatic about voting.

但黑蓝军团同样战胜了莱切,老妇人同联赛领头羊的分差仍然有七分之多。However, Giovinco's side still trail leaders Inter by seven points after the Nerazzurri's emphatic victory over Lecce.