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是玻璃幕墙高耸入云的闹市区?A downtown of glass towers?

什么地方可以乘到市区的车?Where is the bus to downtown?

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欢迎来到市中心东区。Welcome to the Downtown Eastside.

女士,请问所有的公汽都到市中心吗?Madam, do all the buses downtown ?

我最喜欢的地方就是闹市区。My favorite is this place downtown.

我在哪里可以搭车去市中心?。Where can I take a bus to downtown?

很像是在市区。and it's like more that way downtown.

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要是在市中心就好了。I would really like it to be downtown.

汽车修理厂应该远离市区。Garages should be far from the downtown.

我们到闹区去逛橱窗不花钱。Let's go downtown and go window shopping.

我家在市中心的公寓里。My family abides in an apartment downtown.

我是在市中区那间艺术学校认识他的。PEDR I met him at the art school downtown.

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我们住在市中心的大厦里的公寓里。We live in a high-rise apartment downtown.

到城市中心去的小巴士在哪里?Where is the limousine bus going downtown?

你玩了一个通宵,在市区开派对。You stayed up all night, partied downtown.

不准在闹市区的冰激凌店闲逛。Not to loiter downtown in ice cream stores.

在格林威治村的市中心才有商店。It has stores downtown in Greenwich Village.

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这个花园离市中心只是有五分成钟的路程。The park is only five minutes from downtown.

这周你开车去市中心吗?Are you going to drive downtown this weekend?

记住,D路车,南线站台。Remember, the D train, the downtown platform.