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一个钥匙扣。A key ring.

耳朵轰隆作响。My ears ring.

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还有游泳圈。And swim ring.

铃响了。The bell ring.

打给我,快点!Ring me. Quick!

没有结婚戒指?No wedding ring?

我给某人打电话。I'll ring sb. up.

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让自由之钟响起!Let freedom ring.

醒了过来,没有戒指。Wakes up, no ring.

一条项链,一只戒指,还有耳钉。A necklace. A ring.

我以后给你打电话。I'll ring you later.

时尚的环圈设计。Ring desain fashion.

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这钥匙圈是我们的。The key ring is ours.

铃儿在短尾巴上叮当响。Bells on bobtail ring.

他给我一个钥匙圈。He gave me a key ring.

他开始给我打电话了。He started to ring me.

我想要一个新的钥匙圈。I want a new key ring.

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我帮你接畴昔。对比一下国际电话区号。I'll ring him for you.

我听见铃响了。Listend the bell ring.

那个钥匙环是属于她的。That key ring is hers.