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这项技术对许可证持有人有多重要?How important is the technology to the licensor?

许可人未嫩弈行其合同义务。Licensor fails to perform its obligations under this Contract.

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不允许任何人吊销我的企业服务器许可方证书。Do not allow anyone to revoke my enterprise server licensor certificate.

许可方不保证任何程序的不中断或无差错运行。Licensor dose not warrant uninterrupted or error-free operating of the Program.

凡试图进行上述任何行为均属违反许可商和其许可方的权利。Any attempt to do so is a violation of the rights of the Licensor and its licensors.

许可方有权但无义务对该等诉讼进行抗辩,费用由许可方自理。Licensor shall have the right but not the obligation to defend such suit at its own expense.

本授权条款未经授权人及您共同的书面协议,得修改。This License may not be modified without the mutual written agreement of the Licensor and You.

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许可方仅保证在一般尽职的情况下,在工业上实现许可。The Licensor only warrants the realization of the license on an industrial basis by usual diligence.

经过多次的技术交流与安全论证,最终选择美国TDW公司作为此项目承包商。Thanks to many technical exchanges and safety argumentation, TDW was finalized as the technical licensor.

所有这些意图都是肯定的,不会阻止许可方或被许可方强加附加的条款。All these intentions are affirmative and hardly bar the licensor or licensee from imposing additional terms.

然而,许可方无义务对侵犯该等权利的第三方采取法律行动。However, the Licensor shall have no obligation to take legal action against parties infringing these rights.

独占许可证禁止许可证供方将许可证卖给一些特定地区的其他公司。An exclusive license forbids the licensor to sell the license to any other firm in some specific geographic areas.

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许可方有权享用赔偿金或禁制令救济或任何其他法律或衡平权利或救济。Licensor shall be entitled to damages or relief by injunction or to any other right or remedy at law or in equity.

本协议的修改只能通过被许可方和许可方之间的相互书面协议作出决定。Amendments to this Agreement can only be decided by mutual written agreement between the Licensee and the Licensor.

这个条款仅有被授权者有权终止协议,对授权者并不公平。This provision does not seem fair to the Licensor since only the Licensee has the right to terminate the Agreement.

作为发证人及持证人在上述日期签名盖章的见证。In witness whereof the licensor and licensee have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written.

许可方可以在多个许可下提供软件,也许有一个许可是开放源码的,有一个是专有的。A licensor can provide the software under more than one license, perhaps one that is open source and one that's proprietary.

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我们在业界享有良好声誉,是一家高品质、实力雄厚、可针对关键性工业问题提供技术解决方案的技术转让商。We have earned a reputation as a licensor of premier, well-engineered , technology solutions to address key industry issues.

因被许可方使用系统和专有商标而产生益处都应当归于许可方及其附属关联机构。That all such use by Licensee of the System and the Proprietary Marks shall inure to the benefit of Licensor and its Affiliates.

证书链中包含的客户端许可方证书尝试了发行“发行许可证”以外的证书类型!A certificate chain contained a client licensor certificate that tried to issue a certificate type other than an Issuance License!