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这张票据已到期。The bill is due.

由于孔深。Due to hole depth.

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她应得退款。She is due refund.

这风是向正南方吹。The wind is due south.

这风是向正南方吹。The wind is due south.

由于这里多出来的高度。Due to the height here.

没有任何东西是本来就应该存在的。Nothing has been due yet.

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我们的路线是向正北。Our course was due north.

这船向正东航行。The ship sailed due east.

那艘船朝正南方航行。The boat sailed due south.

下星期要付房租了。The rent is due next week.

但一个人应得的是什么?But what is a person's due?

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什么是法律正当程序呢?What is due process of law?

那班飞机预定什么时候到?What time is the plane due?

票据即将到期。The bill will soon fall due.

这个报告早上9点就得交。The report is due at 9 a.m.,

这个报告这周五要交。The report is due on Friday.

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他定于明日到达伦敦。He is due in London tomorrow.

或许他真会尝到失败滋味。Maybe he's due for a failure.

那班飞机因浓雾而误点。The plane is late due to fog.