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一名正在街上拉客。A prostitute am soliciting on the road.

它如珠玑粉黛的浅浅蛾眉。It's shallow, such as Tamaki Prostitute Crescent.

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在中国不嫖妓的10大理由Sex in China – Top 10 reasons not to visit a prostitute

还有啥疑问,去找翠花姐!What question also has, looks for green jade prostitute.

他当过男妓、贩过毒,但是后来他变了。He has been a male prostitute and a dealer but then things changed.

性工作者必须从18岁开始,每晚不停的做到46岁。A prostitute would have had to work every night from the age of 18 to 46.

他说如果他有点钱的话,他会去找鸡的。He claimed that if he had more money, he would have gone to a prostitute.

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我是对着苏珊·迈祷告啊,帝国时期的名妓……I had been praying to Suzanne May, the famous prostitute of the Empire...

我甚至成为男妓,因为我知道,很多上了年纪的妇女都喜欢男童。I even became a male prostitute. Many older women like young boys, I soon learned.

弥尔顿对这个荒谬的说法解释到,他曾经拜访过一个妓女。Milton explains the preposterous of the idea that he has ever visited a prostitute.

岂不知与娼妓联合的,便是与她成为一体吗?Do you not know that he who unites himself with a prostitute is one with her in body?

浓云久卧遮粉黛,细雨霏霏卸薄装。Thick cloud cover Prostitute lying long, thin light rain started falling unloading equipment.

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一名男子射杀一名娼妓,当他发现自己召了一名变装男子寻欢。A man gunned down a prostitute when he discovered that he had hired a cross -dressing man for sex.

明代拟话本中的娼妓形象对唐代传奇中的娼妓形象既有继承又有发展,有相似处也有不同处。Prostitute images in the vernacular novels of Ming Dynasty inherited and developed the Tang legends.

以表演声乐为主的宋代歌妓成为词体传播的直接手段。The prostitute of Beisong Dynasty performed vocal music, then Ci was spreading with them immediately.

陪护员出卖一晚的陪伴,也可能包括性行为,而娼妓只出卖性。An escort offers an evening of companionship that may include sex, while a prostitute sells sex itself.

何伟途涉嫌嫖妓,自上周起被大陆公安拘留。Alex Ho Wai-tao has been held by mainland authorities since last week for allegedly visiting a prostitute.

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本文考察了北朝的再嫁、后娶、妾妓诸问题。This article is an examination of the remarriage, concubine and prostitute problems in the Northern dynasty.

保证禁娼法规的完整性和易操作性等四个方面着手进行。To guarantee that laws and regulations for prohibiting prostitute will be complete and easy to be conducted.

她还加增她的淫行,追念她幼年在埃及地行邪淫的日子。Yet she became more and more promiscuous as she recalled the days of her youth, when she was a prostitute in Egypt.