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存在是什么?What is existence?

只有经得住考验,才会生存下来。It did not proof into existence.

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第四章讲人的存在的方式。Chapter IV about human existence.

对家暴现象存在的认知。Acknowledge the existence of abuse.

无神论者不相信上帝的存在。Atheists deny the existence of God.

梵天是唯一的真正存在。Brahman is the only Real Existence.

那你能证明上帝是存在的吗。Can you prove the existence of god.

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我开始感谢我的存在。I became thankful for my existence.

公民的存在要归功于法律。owes his very existence to the laws.

此种疑团,当不会如此长久存在。You can not doubt your own existence.

他们正为生存而斗争。They are battling for their existence.

他不相信有上帝。He disbelieves in the existence of God.

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有时,那是一种漂泊不定的生活。It was at times a knockabout existence.

所以筹资风险是客观存在的。So funding risk is objective existence.

所有这一切,到今天,都已不存在了。Nothing of all this is in existence now.

家人过着朝不保夕的生活。The family lived a precarious existence.

什么是存在的“给定”呢?And what are these "givens" of existence?

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他是世界上最怡悦的人。He is the hinstanceiest man in existence.

我反对的存在农奴制。I am opposed to the existence of serfdom.

他证明了平行线的存在性。He proved the existence of parallel lines.