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而这段历程似乎经过了万古之长。This took seemingly eons of time.

那个涂在脸上的面罩呢?How about the seemingly painted-on mask?

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此后,似乎在仅仅只在一夜之间,便消失无踪。Then, seemingly overnight, they vanished.

甘蔗蟾蜍表面上绝对无害。Cane toads are seemingly innocuous enough.

但是微博的出现似乎已经改变了这一点。But microblogs have seemingly changed this.

似乎一辆凭空出现的货车停下了。Seemingly out of nowhere, a lorry pulled up.

阿斯塔纳干净整洁,秩序井然,超凡脱俗。Astana is clean, orderly and seemingly sedated.

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一个人如何来爱看起来不可爱的事物呢?How does one love what is seemingly unlovable ?

任何坚硬的东西都会在他的愤怒面前畏缩。seemingly sturdy objects quail before her wrath.

他的存在似乎从原力中消失了。His presence in the Force had seemingly vanished.

它可以突破看上去难以逾越的屏障。It can pass through seemingly impenetrable barriers.

欧共体官员的冷嘲热讽似乎已经得到了验证。The cynical Eurocrat has seemingly been proved right.

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现在的媒体报道似乎都失去了自己的准星儿。The media has seemingly lost all sense of proportion.

今天,我们很欣赏这种似乎不循章法的笔触Today we venerate this seemingly unruly brush strokes

似乎这也冲淡了反主流文化。This has seemingly diluted the anti-mainstream culture.

我所有的辛勤工作与积蓄都似乎付之一炬了。All of my hard-work and savings was seemingly for nothing.

不过,看起来更为稳健的银行并非稳操胜券.The seemingly healthier banks, however, are not home free.

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我们总共数到8个看起来像是最近被挖开的墓。We counted eight dug-up graves in total, seemingly recent.

台上演出的芭蕾舞演员似乎都一样高。The onstage ballerinas are seemingly of the uniform height.

这些原子弥漫在看起来什么都没有的空间中。These atoms permeate even seemingly empty reaches of space.