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还有一种方法,就是先行修改这些错误。Another approach is to preempt errors.

解决性能问题和预先解决问题Resolve performance problems and preempt issues

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联邦证券法优先于州蓝天法。The federal securities laws preempt the State Blue Sky Laws.

抢占应用程序一小段确定的时间。Preempt the application for very short deterministic periods.

我们早早来到剧院,以便捷足先登占到前排座位。We arrived early at the theatre so as to preempt the front seats.

当地人把地围了起来,以获得排斥他人购买该地的优先购买权。The local people fenced the land to preempt it against other claimants.

他们看到,具有重商主义倾向的中国正在一门心思地抢占世界石油供应。They see a mercantilist China single-mindedly moving to preempt world oil supplies.

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最后,雀鲷学会在与粗吻短带鳚接触时先攻击它1小时。Finally, damselfish learnt to preempt attacks within 1 h of contact with fangblennies.

弥尔顿不能忘记荷马,但他可以改正荷马或者取代荷马。Now Milton may not be able to forget Homer, but he is able to correct Homer or to preempt Homer.

但他能先占混乱的信用瓦解,信心和花费将会警醒全球。But it could preempt a chaotic implosion of credit, confidence and spending that would threaten the wider world economy.

此前,中国银行抢先与住房公积金管理中心合作,在北京首家推出了这项贷款。Earlier, the Bank of China preempt and housing accumulation fund management center, first launched in Beijing this loan.

恶性肿瘤往往表明是致命的脑疾病,即使是良性的肿瘤,它也可以优先占有正常的大脑活动。Malignant tumors indicate often lethal brain conditions, but even nonmalignant growths can preempt normal brain activity.

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瘦内核截取中断以确保非实时内核无法抢占瘦内核的运行。The thin kernel intercepts interrupts to ensure that the non-real-time kernel cannot preempt the operation of the thin kernel.

威廉姆斯并不想对他的调查下先入为主的判断,但他说,他认为可能的原因是由于怀孕导致的并发症。Mr. Williams doesn't want to preempt his investigation but says he believes the likely cause was complications due to pregnancy.

王永庆敏锐地发现了这一点,便抓住时机,抢先转向经营木材,结果获利颇丰。Wang Yung-ching keen to discover this, they will seize the opportunity to preempt the timber business, resulting in big profits.

纳税人相互之间对免费公共产品享有免费使用权、先占使用权、平等使用权和重大利益优先权。The taxpayer has the rights of free use, preempt use, equality use and priority of important benefits relative to other taxpayers.

另外,没有线程可以占先它来运行另一个这样的特殊程序,因为其他程序将运行于相同的IRQL。Furthermore, no thread can preempt it to run another of these special routines because that other routine will run at the same IRQL.

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中等优先级线程可能抢占低优先级线程,同时持有锁并优先于低优先级线程运行。A medium-priority thread might preempt the low-priority thread while it holds the lock and run in preference to the low-priority thread.

解决这个问题,UTS为了抢先KSE,需要额外的系统调用去查询内核得到准确的KSE优先级。这样的开销很大。Solutions to this problem require additional system calls in which the UTS explicitly asks the kernel to preempt KSEs. This is expensive.

正规中断。不能抢占内核的掩码中断源,因此可以在处理程序中调用操作系统API。Maskable interrupt sources that cannot preempt the kernel code and are thus able to invoke operating system APIs from within their handlers.