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杰克是个好人,但他为人相当怪僻。Jack is a good man, but then he is so erratic.

和结果变得很不正常。Foliation, bloom, and production became erratic.

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萌芽、开花和结果变得很不正常。Foliation, bloom, and production became erratic.

现在我们的水源更少,天气模式也更不稳定。We have less water now and erratic weather patterns.

听着它,往往感觉来到了飘忽不定的云间。Listening to it, often feels erratic cloud came between.

它的不稳定和实验性来源于缺乏宏观的计划。It's erratic and experimental because there was no grand plan.

要不然就是像一只难以捉摸令人厌烦的小鸡。Or it will be erratic and annoying right through, like a chicken.

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尽管如此,现在还没有迹象表明这个古怪的领导人有可能会退位。However, there is no serious sign the erratic leader might abdicate.

所有的这些好事都依赖于创意,而创意是很不稳定的。All this fabulousness depends on creative spirits, who can be erratic.

这样的规则应能终结导致危机的飘忽不定的紧急救助政策。Such a rule would end the erratic bailout policy that leads to crises.

思绪似异域夜走的魂灵,在空旷的牧野上飘忽不定。Thoughts may go exotic night souls, in the open on the Makino erratic.

我的那些不讲规则的诗歌,唯一的聆听者便是阿克什先生。The only listener I had for these erratic poems of mine was Akshay Babu.

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无论哪种方法,信号最终看到的都是看起来像不规则波浪形的波形曲线。Either way, the signal ends up looking like an erratic wavelike squiggle.

他继承了乃父的遗志,惟其步态似乎有些摇晃不定。He followed in his father's footsteps, but his gait was somewhat erratic.

沃利很轻易地就被移出了水池,可是特里和凯蒂变得难以对付。Wally was easily removed from the pool, but Teri and Katie became erratic.

就像以前常常做的那样,他会对货币供给的“不稳定波动”发出警告。He would warn, as he often did, about "erratic swings" in the money supply.

经济波动致使市场物价忽起忽落。The erratic fluctuation of market prices is in consequence of unstable economy.

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有趣的是,许多的奇怪的但又相当聪明的人都是水瓶座。One of the most interesting, erratic and yet brilliant people are the Aquarians.

那一年,由于气候的怪异,在其幼虫尚未成熟之前,河塘就干涸了。In 1987, due to erratic weather, the pools dried up before the larva had matured.

因为他们觉得劳动力成本花费太高,人力资源太贵太不稳定。Labor just costs too much, and "human resources" are just too erratic and costly.