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心闷能用药物治疗么?Can be the heart used frowzily medication?

为什么心里总是闷闷的?Why always cover tightly frowzily in the heart?

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为什么头晕晕的,人闷闷的?Why dizziness is dizzy, the person covers tightly frowzily ?

梅雨季节经常有一种闷不透气的感觉?Does plum rains season often have a kind to feel airtightly frowzily ?

为什么心会有种闷闷的感觉吖?Why can the heart have kind of feeling A that covers tightly frowzily ?

长期处于缺少负氧离子的环境中,会使人头痛、胸闷和食欲减退。In be in the environment that lacks negative oxygen ion for a long time, can make painful, bosom mixes character frowzily anorexia.

耳朵进虫子后,到医院检查都看不到,但是耳朵还是闷闷的感觉是怎么一回事了?After ear enters insect, to the hospital the examination cannot see, but are ear or the feeling that cover tightly frowzily how one and the same?

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这时的温度适宜熨烫闷过水的丝绸衣物及棉织品、人造棉织品、人造丝织品。At this moment temperature irons aptly press cloth of the silk clothings that crosses water frowzily and cotton goods, man-made cotton goods, rayon.

那几天单位忙,老公晚上很晚才回来,我一个人闷闷地上网,打发寂寞的夜晚。Those a few days of units are busy, husband is very late in the evening just come back, my person gets online frowzily frowzily , dismiss doleful night.

忧虑和烦闷千万不要闷在心里,独自一人悔恨、痛心、钻牛角尖,应该尽量坦率地讲出来。Worry and be worried must not be frowzily in the heart, alone compunction, distressed, get into a dead end, should tell bluntly as far as possible come out.

为便于建立关联,设计人员编入“一揽子”流感关键词,包括温度计、流感症状、肌肉疼痛、胸闷等。Build correlation to facilitate, design personnel enrolls " package " flu keyword, include ache of symptom of thermometer, flu, muscle, bosom to wait frowzily.

闷骚族一般有些文化,具有一定的审美品位,对男人有自己的标准和要求。Frowzily coquettish a group of things with common features has some of culture commonly, have certain aesthetic grade, have oneself standard and demand to the man.