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注意他的手帕。Notice the handkerchief.

这是他的手帕。There's the handkerchief.

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她把手帕弄湿了。She bewetted her handkerchief.

莘济亚叠着她的手帕。Cynthia wrinkled her handkerchief.

我自己拿手巾擦干了脸。I dried myself with a handkerchief.

他轻轻地用手帕拂拭污点。He flicked at spot with handkerchief.

他用手帕把脸蒙了起来。He put his handkerchief over his face.

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她用手帕捂着脸哭泣。She was weeping into her handkerchief.

伊阿古您还看见那方手帕吗?Iago. And did you see the handkerchief?

玛丽喜欢用薰衣草薰香她的手帕。Mary likes to lavender her handkerchief.

她用手帕扇脸。She fanned her face with a handkerchief.

她丢了一块镶蓝边的手绢。She lost a handkerchief edged with blue.

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赛拉喜欢用薰衣草薰香她的手帕。Sarah likes to lavender her handkerchief.

他用手帕包著她的手。He wrapped a handkerchief around her hand.

她把自己名字的缩写字母绣在一个手帕上。She worked her initials on a handkerchief.

她挥手拒绝了他递过来的手帕。She waved away his offer of the handkerchief.

我丢了一块带蓝边的白手绢。I lost a white handkerchief with a blue border.

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这小女孩用手帕轻擦眼睛The girl dabbed her eyes with the handkerchief.

这里有一个关于手帕的著名例子。There’s the famous example of the handkerchief.

她给我买了块带蓝边的手帕。She bought me a handkerchief with a blue border.