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心脏脉轮是无条件爱的梦想时间层。The heart chakra is the dreamtime of non-conditional love.

转动梦想时间的主轴绕极光旋转。The main spindle that turns dreamtime revolves around the aurora.

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这类梦想层经常用于破坏能量场和剥夺记录。Such dreamtime was often used to mutilate fields and strip records.

最近的一次重织产生了一个在全球展现的新梦想。The latest reweaving causes a new dreamtime that is global to be present.

意愿识别出来一名可以在做梦时间这样帮助你的祖先。Intend to identify an ancestor who can assist you in this way during dreamtime.

梦想时间是在一种无限可能的虚空,去变革出一个与内在真我共振的梦想。Dreamtime is a void of infinite possibility to foray for a dream that resonates.

我意愿在我的梦想时间中每晚拜访提升的疗愈圣殿。I intend to visit the Healing Temples for Ascension each night during dreamtime.

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Ckantor的传递基础是散文诗,它是通过人类聚焦在梦想时间,体验变革进而荣曜变革来传递的。Ckantor is a poetic prose based accolade of foray of expressing the focus of dreamtime.

的确,正是长颈鹿与鹿为所有物种编织了这一新梦想。Indeed it was giraffe and deer that have woven the new dreamtime for all to partake in.

因为,那些疯狂的人看到了平行的梦想实相并认为它们是真实的。For those who are insane see into the parallel dreamtime realities and think they are physical.

如果梦想时间存在太多的黑暗,就很难通过散文诗去带来正面的偶发事件的变革。Dreamtime that is dark is difficult to foray for positive happenstance through prose incantations.

现在,梦想层再次扩展成全球大小,并透过地球上每个主脉轮中心而运作。Now dreamtime has expanded to become global again and run through each major chakra center upon earth.

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这一梦想允许大地上或海洋中的所有生命沐浴在一个提升的新梦想中。This dreamtime allows all upon the land or within the oceans to be bathed in a new dream of ascension.

你不能没有意识到内在风景或梦想时间而朝全意识移进。One cannot move towards full consciousness without becoming conscious of the inner landscape or dreamtime.

在我们的梦之旅中,我们将协助地球看见她一致实相的集体远景。During our dreamtime travels, we assist earth in seeing the collective vision of her own consensus reality.

而部分灵魂看见这梦想期间跟他们是真实那样更加真实的实相,就好像其他别的东西在矩阵里那样。And some will see this dreamtime as the truer reality as for it is as real as anything else within the matrix.

如果他们在物质层是支持并相爱的,通常他们在梦想层是好斗并争辩的。If they were supportive and loving in the physical, often they were belligerent and argumentative in dreamtime.

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有8层梦想时间与地表8个全球脉轮的每一个产生联系。There are 8 planes of dreamtime that correlate with each of the 8 global chakras upon the surface of the earth.

当以太体和梦想自我呼吸时,它在非物质体中拉进二氧化碳而呼出氧气。As the etheric body and dreamtime self breathes, it draws in carbon dioxide in the nonphysical and exhales oxygen.

在作梦和冥想里,个人移进矩阵里吸引与当事者需要的经验同步的钥匙。In dreamtime and meditation one moves within the matrix attracting the keys that synchronize with needed experiences.