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这就是功利主义的真谛。This is the essence of utilitarianism.

即功利主义哲学。And that's the philosophy of utilitarianism.

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所以罗尔斯说功利主义将被拒绝。And so Rawls says utilitarianism would be rejected.

因此我们确实对功利主义有两点异议。So we really have here two different objections to utilitarianism.

上节课,我们开始,思考边沁的功利主义。Last time, we began to consider Bentham's version of utilitarianism.

功利主义导向与国际化的冲突。The conflict of the tendency of Utilitarianism and internationalization.

生活实践的功利主义诉求。Hedonism idol of culture aesthetics, Utilitarianism demand of life practice.

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他的正义理论建立在对传统功利主义批判的基础上。His theory of justice is based on his critique of traditional utilitarianism.

现代教育之困境,乃在于教育的功利性和工具性。The predicament of modern education lies in its utilitarianism and instrumentalism.

他没有失去他的正直心仅仅因为他对实用主义的承诺。He does not lose his integrity simply in virtue of his commitment to utilitarianism.

色诺芬的全部著作中,苏格拉底前后一贯地主张美的功利主义观点。In all Xenophon's works, Socrates stuck to the utilitarianism of beauty all the time.

生活的功利化和实用化与生活的游戏、冒险、刺激,相互并存。Utilitarianism and pragmatism coexist with the games, adventures and thrills in life.

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如果功利主义理论是正确的,那么未来人们收益的价值将与我们当今收益的价值等同。If utilitarianism is right, future people’s benefits should be valued equally with ours.

通常,优先主义理论相较于功利主义理论对发达国家的要求更多。Usually prioritarianism demands more of the developed countries than utilitarianism does.

中国古代数学从滥觞之时就表现出明显的政治功利性。The ancient mathematics of China was from the outset of remarkable political utilitarianism.

“大利主义”完全不可用“西式功利主义”去解读。Therefore, the macro-utilitarianism can't be interpreted by the western-type utilitarianism.

高职教育过程中存在着一些功利主义的做法。In the process of high professional education, there are some activities about utilitarianism.

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上节课,我们开始思考一些,对杰里米·边沁功利主义的反对观点。Last time, we began to consider some objections to Jeremy Bentham's version of utilitarianism.

在座功利主义的支持者们,可能觉得这个研究不公。Now, those among you who are defenders of utilitarianism may think that this is an unfair test.

由于高扬自我,积极进取的人格所使,辛弃疾思想中有很深的功利主义色彩。There is thick utilitarianism colour in his thought due to his ego and enterprising personality.