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他踢她的脸。He booted her in the face.

门卫把那个孩子轰出去了。The doorman booted the kid out.

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那些捣乱分子被赶了出去。The trouble-makers were booted out.

他防守几个容易的滚地球失误。He booted several easy ground balls.

警察给那辆不缴罚款的汽车扣上车轮锁。Police booted the car with unpaid fines.

汤姆把足球踢过了球门柱。Tom booted the football over the goalpost.

那小孩沿马路踢小石子。The kid booted a small stone down the street.

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他一直把足球猛踢到球门线。He booted the ball all the way to the goal line.

他们以他不工作为由把他开除出公司。They booted him out of the company for not working.

啊,克里夫,我是一个“无知的乡巴佬”吗?So, Clive , I'm an "Ignorant cowboy- booted Hick "am I ?

那个顽皮的男孩扰乱别的孩子,所以我就把他撵走了。The naughty boy disturbed other children, so I booted him out.

她被发现偷溜进去该酒吧,之后被踢了出来。She was caught trying to sneak into the bar and was booted out.

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我曾像那位绿靴子小男孩的妈妈那样边笑着边等他了吗?Had I smiled and waited like the mother of the green booted boy?

如果您不做任何操作,会在配置超时后启动这个选项。If you do nothing, this will be booted after a configured timeout.

如果在游戏中断开连接,你就会被赶出游戏。If you get disconnectedwhile playing, you're booted out of the game.

但别急,我的笔记本从CD驱动了,但却无法运行自生系统。But wait, my laptop booted from the CD but wasn't able to run the LiveCD.

我跟随着史蒂夫·乔布斯的工作,即使他在1985年被苹果公司解雇的时候。I followed the work of Steve Jobs even after he was booted from Apple in 1985.

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这可以防止再次使用这个磁盘启动系统时,再次刷新系统。This prevents the system from flashing the BIOS if this disk were booted again.

迈尔斯猛踢胖小子的腹部,迫使他蜷缩在一起,大口大口地吸气。Miles booted the kid's big belly, doubling him up and forcing him to suck for more air.

银行门口有一辆马车,马已备好,杰瑞也已穿好皮靴,一切齐备。A carriage with post-horses was ready at the Bank door, and Jerrywas booted and equipped.