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怎么治疗油性皮肤?How to treat oily skin?

我想我是油性皮肤。I think I have oily skin.

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油耳能治吗?Can the oily ear administer?

触摸感起来是油的。The water is oily to the touch.

烤羊肉串,油油的但挺有趣。Cumin lamb kebabs, oily but fun.

汽油与油消耗量都达到标准。Benzine and oily wastage up to mark.

他用一块沾油的抹布擦干净汽车。He cleaned the car with an oily rag.

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矿物化妆品对油性皮肤好吗?Is Mineral Makeup Good For Oily Skin?

话梅酸酸好开胃,仲令鸭胸无咁腻。And make the duck breast not too oily.

头还是会很快变得又是油油的。Or will soon become the first is oily.

难消化的食物使他的胃不舒服。The oily food lay heavy on my stomach.

每周吃一次鱼,但应该做得比较油腻。Eat fish once a week, but make it oily.

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胚微小,胚乳丰富,含油。Embryo minute, endosperm copious , oily.

他们对油性皮肤是非常好用的。It tends to work very well on oily skin.

平时尽量常吃些油性鱼类和蛋类。Try to eat oily fish and eggs regularly.

为什么我的鼻子上摸过去油油的?。Why oily in the past oil feels on my nose?

还有第二天假设脸油油得。Suppose the next day was also the face oily.

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清理所有油性部分尾巴碳棒。Clean up any oily part of the tail carbon rod.

油性赋形药对大多数患者是不舒适的。The oily vehicle is unpleasant to most patients.

保护,再平衡油性和混合型肌肤。Protects and rebalances OILY or COMBINATION skin.