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还有月亮河和我。Moon rive and me.

如流水般与希望同逝。Like rive gone with my wishes.

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我的朋友,月河,跟我。My huckleberry friend, Moon rive And me.

我那可爱的老朋友。还有月亮河,还有我。My huckleberry friend, Moon rive and me.

河对于鱼来说就象房子对于人。A rive is to a fish what a house is to a man.

有锅鱼煮黄米饭。要吃点吗?A pot of yellow rive with fish. Do you want some?

每条河流都有上游,中游和下游。Each rive has its upward, middle and backward part.

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现在很多人撕开和工作在非常酸的建筑。Many people now rive and work in very tart buildings.

它的长度是三三六公里,这是在英国最深里沃。Its length is 336 km and it is the deepest rive in Britain.

小河里的冰都融化了,很多鱼儿在那里面游来游去。The ice in the rive melts away and some fishes swimming in it.

一天,一位贫穷的樵夫正在一条大河附近砍一块大木头。One day a poor woodman was cutting a big piece of wood near a wide rive.

如果硬盘和操作系统并无故障,接下来我们就可以看到启动画面了。If necessary, format your hard disk rive and install an operating system.

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广泛分布于本港淡水溪涧及河口水域。A widespread goby occurring in many of the freshwater streams and rive mouths in Hong Kong.

这项研究导致了风流社会的女人的闺房感应与更清楚的撕裂的口音。The research resulted in a demimondaine's boudoir vibe with accents of more sober Rive Droite propriety.

扬州枕淮水,踏长江,抱运河,城里城外,水网纵横,素有水上都会之誉称。Yangzhou originates Huaihe Rive and ends in Changjiang River. There are a lot of canals within this city.

猴子包危岩体位于巴东县信陵镇火焰石村长江右岸。Houzibao dangerous rock is situated at Huoyanshi village in Badong County on the right bank of Yangtse Rive.

我拒绝称呼它为一个河流,因为他已经污染到,除了印度人能接触以外所有其他人都没法挺过那种污秽。I refuse to call it a rive because it is polluted to the point the water is to filthy for anyone except an Indian to touch.

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本文介绍了某流域江河堤防数据管理系统的开发思路及设计实现。In this paper, the exploitation clue and design implement of rive embankment data management system is introduced of some valley.

为了替消费者减少前期费用,赖夫根据安装系统的大小,按一定比率收取太阳能面板的租赁费用。To reduce the high up-front costs for customers, Rive will lease homeowners the panels at a rate based on the size of their system.

通过对长江下游南京八卦洲段分汊河道的数值模拟,表明该方法精度较高,切实有效,能满足实际工程的需要。With the numerical results about Yangtze Rive branch of BAGUA island in NANJING, it can be indicated that the model is effective and valuable.