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他一直在修剪梨树。He has been pruning the pear trees.

他正用修枝刀修剪玫瑰。He is pruning roses with a pruning knife.

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修剪下来两朵玫瑰依旧艳光四射。Two roses from pruning are still radiant.

不建议在栽种后剪枝。Pruning after planting is not recommended.

修剪葡萄藤必须小心翼翼的完成。Pruning grapevines must be done very carefully.

对决策树剪枝方法进行研究。Research on the pruning approach of decision tree.

修剪葡萄藤必须非常仔细。Prvoing Pruning grapevines must be done very carefully.

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即使它会助你成长,也会像修剪花木一般对你。Even as he is for your growth so is he for your pruning.

她按出版商的要求对小说进行删改。She's pruning down the novel at the publisher's request.

剪裁过程也是朝正确方向前进的一个步骤。The pruning process is also a step to the right direction.

他修剪玫瑰时双手刮伤得很厉害。He scratched his hands badly while pruning the rose bushes.

修剪葡萄树一定要做的非常认真。Pruning grape wines grapevines must be done very carefully.

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好几个部门的预算都需要削减。The budgets of several departments will require pruning down.

植物需要栽培,天赋也要学习。Natural abilties are like natural plants that need pruning by study.

养成整理已经完成的、不能完成的和需要移除的任务的习惯。Make a habit of pruning your list of completed, dead, and obviated tasks.

改进了基于属性的自动机裁剪方法。Traditional formula-oriented pruning of finite state machines is improved.

缺钾茶丛剪枝后的再生率低,且不正齐。Recovery of potassium deficient bushes after pruning is poor and irregular.

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施肥就仍然有必要,而木本植物就偶尔要做修枝。Fertilizer is still necessary, and woody plants need the occasional pruning.

还有一些贡献三脚梯子,修枝剪和灌装设备。Still others contribute tripod ladders, pruning gear, and canning equipment.

修剪是最容易女王棕榈园任务,就可以。Pruning Queen Palms is one of the easiest landscaping tasks that you can have.