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犯错是自我纠正的必经之道。Mistakes are tools for calibration.

校准也是在这一步中进行。Calibration takes place in this step.

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高度近视适宜做较正吗?。Does high myopia do calibration aptly ?

这是其中的一个标定程序。This is one of a calibration procedure.

无需校准、无漂移、基线平稳。No calibration. No drift. Flat baseline.

输出零点和输出满度校正。Output zero and output full calibration.

如果您使用的新模式,重做你的Tx校准。If you use the new modes, redo your Tx Calibration.

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处理计量器具外部检定或校准业务。To handle outside gage verification or calibration.

ClearType文字微调和显示颜色校准。ClearType Text Tuning and Display Color Calibration.

这个工作是由SAR辐射定标完成的。This can be achieved by SAR Radiometric Calibration.

调试时需有信号发生器辅助。A signal generator is desirable for dial calibration.

校准可以很方便地内置三键键盘。Calibration is easy with the built-in 3 button keypad.

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使用仪器设备前检查校验标签。Check calibration strikers before using all equipment.

校准很容易与内置的3键校准器。Calibration is easy with the built-in 3-key calibrator.

校准很容易与内置的5键校准器。Calibration is easy with the built-in 5-key calibrator.

采用偏转法对RPQ产额进行了校正。The calibration of RPQ yields by deflexion was described.

我们检查并校准了反应釜计量系统。We check the calibration and reactor system of measurement.

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Portaflow校准易与屏幕上的菜单系统。Portaflow calibration is easy with the onscreen menu system.

并介绍了CRC校验码的计算方法。The calculation of CRC calibration code was also introduced.

校准信息,是剥削,在采样阶段。Calibration information is exploited in the resampling phase.