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单击此处可重命名所选甘特图。Click to rename the selected gantt chart.

该项目是代表与甘特图。The project is represented with a Gantt chart.

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我们没有绘制甘特图,因为我们并不需要它。We didn't have a Gantt chart, because we didn't need one.

对于团队来说,最好的方式也许是创建甘特图。Maybe the best thing for team to do is create a Gantt chart.

在进度控制方面,使用的主要工具是甘特图和核查清单。In the schedule control, the main tools are Gantt chart and check list.

最后给出了LA36问题的调度结果的甘特图。The Gantt chart of scheduling result of LA36 problem was finally given.

运用网络计划技术制定项目甘特图和网络图。It develops the Gantt Chart and Network Diagram using the network technology.

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甘特图是工程项目进行工期计划和控制的有效工具。Gantt chart is an effective tool for planning and controlling project schedule.

有关设置甘特图格式的详细信息,请搜索甘特图的“帮助”。For more information about formatting your Gantt Chart, search Help for Gantt Chart.

一种改进的甘特图,它具有能列出全部部门或者是特定的资源的能力。A modified Gantt chart that schedules capacity by entire department or specific resources.

针对流水调度和作业调度给出了算法实例,并且绘制出了流水和作业调度的甘特图。Give the arithmetic examples of flow shop and job shop, and show their schedule Gantt pictures.

甘特图形的优势是其简洁,便于准备和使用,且成本低。The advantages of the Gantt chart are its simplicity, ease of preparation and use, and low cost.

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如果要在“甘特图”上显示更多或更少的时间,请单击“常用”工具栏上的“放大”或“缩小”按钮。To show more or less time on the Gantt Chart, click the Zoom In or Zoom Out on the Standard toolbar.

当你以交付功能的方式度量成功时,绘制精美的甘特图就是你的指路明灯。When you measure success in features delivered, your guiding star is the carefully crafted Gantt chart.

甘特图样式的基准进度表为比较计划绩效和实际绩效提供了一种简单易行的方法。A baseline schedule in Gantt chart format provides a simple way to compare planned versus actual performance.

我发现除了帮助我对方案进行预算之外,甘特图对安排我的方案也十分有帮助。I also find that Gantt charts are quite helpful for scheduling my projects in addition to helping me budget them.

甘特图是广泛运用于项目计划和进度管理的工具,运用它作为过程实例的表现形式能减少软件组织实施该过程复用框架的学习时间。Gantt is adopted as the form of process instances because it is a kind of widely used process plan and schedule management tool.

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然而甘特图标通常不适用于大型且复杂的项目,却对相对简单的项目很有用。While Gantt charts are generally unsuitable for large, complex projects, they are great for projects that are relatively simple.

在“甘特图”视图上双击打开的代表工作时间的区域,来显示“条形图样式”对话框,在其中可以更改“甘特图”中条形图样式或符号的外观。Gantt Chart to display the Bar Styles dialog box, in which you can change the appearance of bar styles or symbols on the Gantt Chart.

下一个明显的步骤将是使在甘特图到项目视图,表,以便我们可以看到与该特定项目的任务。Next obvious step would be to bring in a Gantt chart to the project view form, so we can see the tasks related to that specific project.